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level: PART A

Questions and Answers List

level questions: PART A

させられる saserareru /-ru; saserareta/be made to do
義理 giri(social) obligation, duty to repay
恩 ondebt of gratitude
義務 gimucompulsory obligation / duty (job, country, etc.)
先生に義理がある sensei ni giri ga aruhave an obligation to a teacher
スピーチコンテスト supiichi-kontesutospeech contest (Japanese: benron taikai)
スピーチコンテストって supiichi-kontesuto ttespeech contest, what's called a speech contest
演説 enzetsua (public) speech; a lecture; an address (Japanese word more or less equivalent to supiichi)
先生に出ろって薦められる sensei ni dero tte susumerarerube urged by a teacher to participate
困ることはない komaru koto wa naithere's nothing to be upset about
向く muku /-u; muita/face, turn toward; look out on; suit, be inclined
向かう mukau /-u; mukatta/face; confront; proceed to (vi)
向ける mukeru /-ru; muketa/point [something] toward (vt)
喋らせられる ・ 喋らされる shaberas[er]areru /-ru; shaberas[er]areta/be made to talk [speak] (long/short forms)
苦手 nigate /-na/weak point/bad at (na noun)
得意 tokui /na,no/one's specialty, one's forte (na or no noun)
頑張る ganbaru /-u; ganbatta/do one's best, try hard, give your all (vi)
頑張っやる ganbatte yarugive it one's all and do it
潰す tsubusu /-u; tsubushita/crush, smash, mash (vt)
潰すようなことになります tsubusu you na koto ni narimasubecome something(a situation) [as if] to smash
潰れる tsubureru /-ru; tsubureta/become crushed; collapse (vi)
顔をつぶす kao wo tsubusudestroy face; disgrace
顔がつぶれる kao ga tsuburerulose face; become disgraced
面目 menbokuface; honor; reputation (same as kao in this sense)
面目を失う (menboku wo ushinau /-u; ushinatta/)lose face
顔をつぶすようなことになる kao wo tsubusu you na koto ni narubecome a thing of the kind that destroys face
会話 kaiwaconversation
英会話 eikaiwaEnglish conversation (or referring to a class)
英会話の方は eikaiwa no hou waregarding [lit. the direction/alternative of] English conversation
比べる kuraberu /-ru;kurabeta/to compare (vt)
比べ物 kurabemonoa comparable thing; a match
比べ物にならない kurabemono ni naranaiis no match (for) / no comparison
只 tadaonly; merely; free (of charge)
ただ事(じゃない) (tadagoto ja nai)(not) a trivial matter
辛い tsurai /-i; tsurakatta/is hard; is a strain; is tough (adj)
宿題 shukudaihomework, outside assignment
宿題が出る shukudai ga deruhomework is assigned
平均 heikinaverage, the mean
会話文 kaiwa-bunconversation text/sentences
クラス kurasuclass (loan-word)
科目 kamoku(school) subject;course (of study)
言わせられる ・ 言わされる iwas[er]areru /-ru; iwas[er]areta/be made to say (long/short forms)
ああいうのに向く aa iu no ni mukube suited/cut out (lit: oriented toward) that kind of thing
只で貰う tada de morauto receive for free
ただ手伝うためにした tada tetsudau tame ni shitaI did it only/just to help out (no other reason or repayment expected)
義理に縛られる giri ni shibararerube bound in obligation
恩を忘れる on wo wasureruforget a favor
義務教育 gimukyouikucompulsory education (i.e. the years one must attend school by law which is only through Jr. High-9th grade although most every student goes on to high-school)
義理をしらない giri wo shiranaito ignore one's obligations
ただでは済まない tada de wa sumanaiwon't be able to get by so easily (in a sticky situation)
只の一時間でさえこの携帯なしで済むことはできない (tada no ichi-jikan de sae kono keitai nashi de sumu koto wa dekinai.)[I] can't do without this cellphone even for so much as one hour.
平均的な家庭 heikinteki na kateian average household
あの会社で働かせてもらったら、日本語で話させられると思います。 Ano kaisha de hatarakasete morattara, nihongo de hanasas(er)areru to omoimasu.If I am allowed to work at that company, I think I'll be made to speak in Japanese.
ちょっとぐらい間違っていても、心配することはありませんから Chotto-gurai machigatte ite mo, shinpai suru koto wa arimasen karaEven if you’ve made a small mistake, there's no cause/reason to be worried (about it) so...(don’t worry)