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level: PART A

Questions and Answers List

level questions: PART A

偉い erai /-katta/is great, eminent, superior (adj)
挨拶 aisatugreeting, salutation
挨拶をする aisatsu wo suru / aisatsu suruto greet, say ‘hello’ (etc.)
挨拶をされる aisatsu [wo] sareru /-ru; sareta/to be greeted
質問する shitsumon-suruask a question
丁寧な挨拶 teinei na aisatupolite greeting
複雑 fukuzatsu /na/complicated, complex (na-noun)
簡単 kantan /na/simple (na-noun)
丁寧な挨拶をする teinei na aisatsu [wo] sarerube greeted politely; (lit. be affected by a polite greeting)
決まった言い方 kimatta iikataa ‘decided’ way of saying; set expressions
するものだ suru mono da[one] is to do; the regular procedure is to do
達 ・ 方 ・ 等 -tachi ~-gata ~-ra/3 pluralizing suffixes/
子供達 kodomo-tachichildren
注意する chuui-surupay attention, be careful of; advise, warn
注意される chuui sarerube advised or warned
平気 heiki /na/calm, cool; indifferent, unconcerned (na-noun)
厳しい kibishii /-katta/is strict, stern, rigorous (adj)
厳しくは言わない kibishiku wa iwanaidoes not speak sternly (at least)
大人しい otonashii /-katta/is gentle, mild, obedient (adj)
頃 koroapproximate time (suffix)
私が子供の頃 watashi ga kodomo no koroaround the time when I was a child
しつけ ・ 躾 shitsukediscipline
躾ける shitsukeru /-ru; shitsuketa/train, discipline; teach manners
躾けられる shitsukerareru /-ru; shitsukerareta/be brought up or trained or disciplined
厳しくしつけられたものだ kibishiku shitsukerareta mono daused to be brought up strictly
叱る shikaru /-u; shikatta/scold (vt)
叱られる (shikarareru)be scolded
静か shizuka /na/quiet (na-noun)
静かにする shizuka ni surube quiet; act in a quiet way
静かにするものだ shizuka ni suru mono da[one] is to be quiet; the regular procedure is to be quiet
静かにするものだとは思う shizuka ni suru mono da to wa omouthink that one is to be quiet (at least)
お子さん方 okosan-gatachildren /polite/
玩具 omochatoy
人形 ningyoudoll
迷惑する meiwaku surube(come) troubled or annoyed
迷惑される meiwaku sarerube troubled or annoyed (humble-polite)
迷惑しておられる meiwaku site orareru /-ru; orareta/be troubled or annoyed /honorific-polite/
注してもらう chuui site morauhave [someone] pay attention; have [someone] advise or warn
注意してもらうようにする chuui site morau you ni suruact so as to have [someone] pay attention,advise, or warn
余計 yokei /na/excessive, unnecessary, uncalled for
直される naosareru /ru; naosareta/repair /honorific-polite/
ふう ・ 風 fuu /na/ ~fuu /no/manner, style
こういうふうには言わない kou iu fuu ni wa iwanaidoes not say in this way (at least)
言わないものだ iwanai mono da[one] is not to say; the regular procedure is not to say
まま ・ 儘 mamacondition just as it is
このままだと kono mama da towhen/if it is keeps on like this (without change, kept as is)
誤解する gokai-suruto misunderstand
理解する (rikai suru)to understand; comprehend (nani ka wo~)
意味を誤解される imi wo gokai sareruhave the meaning misunderstood
可能性 kanouseipossibility
意味を誤解される可能性 imi wo gokai sareru kanouseipossibility of having the meaning misunderstood
限る kagiru /-u; kagitta/(X ni) restrict/limit to
Xに限られている (X ni kagirarete iru)be limited to X
~ときに限って (toki ni kagitte)particularly when, only when ~
こういうふうにする kou iu fuu ni surudo it (in) this way / manner
先生の話に注意を向ける sensei no hanashi ni chuui wo mukeruTurn [one’s] attention to what the teacher is saying. (lit. the teacher's talking)
注意を払う chuui wo harauto pay attention
学生ふうに話す gakusei-fuu ni hanasutalk in a student manner/style
家内が誰かに子供を起こされましたから Kanai ga dare ka ni kodomo wo okosaremashita kara...Someone woke the children and my wife didn't like it so... (lit: because my wife had the children woken up on her by someone) /adversative passive/
明日音楽会がありますが、行かれませんか? ashita ongakkai ga arimasu ga, ikaremasen ka?There's a concert tomorrow; won't you go? /polite-passive invitation distal-style/
日本の家に入るときには、靴を脱ぐものです。 Nihon no ie ni hairu toki ni wa, kutsu wo nugu mono desu.when you enter a Japanese home, you [one should] take off your shoes (as a regular procedure)
面白くも可笑しくもない omoshiroku mo okashiku mo naiit's neither interesting or funny
早くは話します (hayaku wa hanashimasu)s/he does talk fast (at least).