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level: PART A

Questions and Answers List

level questions: PART A

私でお役に立つこと watashi de oyaku ni tatsu kotothings that will be of use to you because of me
者 monoperson(s) (in my in-group)
内の者 uchi no monoperson(s) in my home/company or in-group
手伝わせる tetsudawaseru /-ru; tetsudawaseta/cause to help
内の者に手伝わせる uchi no mono ni tetsudawaseruhave my people help
誘う sasou /-u; sasotta/invite (to do something)
お誘いする osasoi suruinvite /humble-polite/
招待する shoutai-suruinvite (to an event)
払わせる harawaseru /-ru; harawaseta/cause/let to pay
(私に)払わせてください (watashi ni) harawasete kudasaiplease let me pay
ご馳走になる gochisou ni narureceive hospitality; be treated to food
ご馳走する gochisou suruentertain, treat a person to food or drink
奢る ogoru /-ru; ogotta/treat someone to a meal
ご馳走になってばかりだ gochisou ni natte bakari daall it is is being treated
そのつもりで来る sono tumori de kurucome with that intention
出す dasuput out / pay / turn in (homework) / send (letter) / serve (food) / publish (book, etc.)
お金を出す okane wo dasupay, put up the money
出させる dasaseru /-ru; dasaseta/cause to pay / put [sth] out
(私に)出させてください (watashi ni) dasasete kudasaiplease let me pay (lit. put out)
甘える amaeru /-ru; amaeta/presume upon; take advantage of someone's kindness or affection / behave like a spoiled child
甘えてばかりだ amaete bakari dado nothing but behave like a spoiled [child]
甘やかす amayakasu /-su; amayakashita/to spoil (a child); to pamper/indulge someone (vt)
お言葉に甘える okotoba ni amaerutake advantage of someone’s (kind) words/offer
講演会 kouenkailecture meeting; lecture by a notable speaker
面接 mensetsujob interview
ノート nootonotes
コピーする kopii-suruto copy
コピーさせる kopii-saseru /-ru; kopii-saseta/cause to copy / let copy
(私に)コピーさせてくれないか (watashi ni) kopii-sasete kurenai ka?won't you let me copy?
字 jiwritten symbol(s); letter(s); character(s)
ローマ字 roomajiromanization
漢字 kanjiChinese character
仮名 kanaJapanese written syllabary
平仮名 hiraganathe syllabary of more flowing/curvy type used to write native words and verb/adj inflections.
片仮名 katakanathe syllabary of a more angular type used mainly to write loan words
敬語 keigoJapanese polite language
汚い kitanai /-katta/is dirty; messy / obscene / stingy (adj)
帰るまで kaeru madeuntil [someone] returns
帰るまでに kaeru made niby the time [someone] returns
必ず kanarazusurely, positively, without fail
返す kaesu /-u; kaeshita/give back, return [something] (vt)
知る shiru /-u; shitta/be aware of; know ; find out
分からなくても知らない wakaranakute mo shiranai[I]'ll pay no heed even if [you] don't understand (don't blame me!)
丁寧 ・ ていねい teinei /na/polite; careful; conscientious; thorough (na-noun)
綺麗に書く kirei ni kakuwrite neatly or beautifully
綺麗に書いてあるじゃないか kirei ni kaite aru ja nai kaisn't it written neatly? surely you agree that it's written neatly!