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level: PART B

Questions and Answers List

level questions: PART B

試験 shikênexam; test
試験問題 shikén-mòndaitest problem, test question
~所 tokóròplace/point of doing or process of doing (after direct-style verb); was just doing (after past tense)
作っている所だ tsukûtte(i)ru tokórò dais just now making
飲んでいる所を見る nônde (i)ru tokórò wo mirusee someone drinking (as they are doing it)
書いてもらえる kâite moraerucan have [it] written
書いてもらえない? kâite moraenai?can['t] [I] have [it] written?
夕方 yuugataevening
お時間 ojikan(your) time
お時間をいただけませんか? ojîkan wo itádakemasèn ka?can('t) I have [some of] your time? (polite)
是非紹介してほしい zêhi shoúkai-shìte hoshiiwants to be introduced by all means
だけど dâ kedohowever
来ていただけますか? kite itadakemasu ka?will I be able to have you come? (humble-polite)
恐縮だ kyoúshuku dà / kyoúshuku dèsuis grateful; appreciative; is obliged; apologetic
出ようとする deyôu to surube about to leave; try to leave
出ようとしたところに deyôu to shita tokórò niat the very moment when [I] had been about to leave
電話が入る deńwa ga hàiruphone call comes in
終わる owaru /-u; owatta/finishes, terminates (vi)
終わったところだ owátta tokorò dais the very moment when [I] finished
留学生 ryuúgàkùseistudent studying abroad
ぺらぺら peraperafluent; (sound of) rapid chatter, flipping pages
流暢 ryuuchou /na/fluent (speech) [na-noun]
日本語がペラペラの人 nihóngo ḡa perapera no hitòperson whose Japanese is fluent
っけ -kke(as I recall) /sentence final particle/
何て言ったっけ nan te (i)tta kkeWhat was his/her name (I can't recall!)
思い出す omóidàsu /-u; omóidàshita/to recall [something]
住所 jûushoaddress
学部 gakubuacademic department; college (in a university)
文学部 buńgàkùbuliterature department
教養学部 kyouyougakubucollege (dpt.) of general education (arts and sciences); liberal arts
教えてもらえる oshiete moraerucan have [someone] teach; can get information
Xじゃないかしら X ja nai ka shiraI wonder if it isn't X [F]
別 betsuseparate; different
思っていたところだ omôtte (i)ta tokórò dais the very moment when I was just thinking
背景 haikeibackground (scenery; of an incident, situation, etc.); circumstances
推薦状 suisenjourecommendation letter
一か月ほど先で結構ですから、推薦状を書いていただけないでしょうか ik-kagetsu hodo saki de kekkou desu kara, suisenjou wo kaite itadakenai deshou kait's fine being (about) in a month (ahead one month) but, could I please (humble-polite receive) have you write a letter of recommendation for me?
雨がパラパラ降っているけど、傘はいらない ame ga parapara futte (i)ru kedo, kasa wa iranai deshouit's sprinkling (falling with patter-patter) but [we] probably won't need an umbrella
べらべら bera bera(mimetic) non-stop talking; speaking indiscreetly; chattering
パンが渇いてぱさぱさで美味しくない pan ga kawaite pasa-pasa de oishiku naiThe bread is dry and being dried out (mimetci), doesn't taste good.