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level: Proteins and Genetics

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Proteins and Genetics

what is the structure of mononucleotide in DNA?phosphate group nitrogenous base deoxyribose pentose sugar
DNAdeoxyribonucleic acid contains the genetic material that is used to build and maintain organisms by producing various proteins DNA can be passed on from parents to offspring
what are the names of all the bases?adenine cytosine guanine thymine uracil (in RNA instead of thymine)
structure of a DNA moleculedouble helix structure sugar-phosphate backbone mononucleotides linked by phosphodiester bonds between phosphate group and pentose sugar hydrogen bonds between bases
complementary base pairingA - T and C - G in DNA U - A in RNA
protein synthesis: transcriptionRNA polymerase breaks the hydrogen bonds between DNA nucleotides and DNA unwinds forming a template/antisense strand and a coding/sense strand at a start codon free RNA nucleotides form phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides and hydrogen bonds by complementary base pairing between RNA and DNA bases a strand of mRNA is made once RNA polymerase has reached a stop codon the mRNA molecule leaves the nucleus through a nuclear pore
protein synthesis: translationa ribosome binds to the start codon on the mRNA molecule a tRNA molecule enters and binds to the ribosome each tRNA molecule attached to an amino acids which has an anticodon sequence the tRNA anticodons bind with the mRNA codons by complementary base pairing forming hydrogen bonds the synthesized amino acids are joined by peptide bonds to form a polypeptide chain once the tRNA molecule has reached a stop codon the polypeptide chain breaks off, is packaged and sent off to be folded and modified
what is the role of RNA polymerase?the enzyme that unzips DNA by breaking the hydrogen bonds between the nucleotide bases during DNA transcription
what is mRNA?messenger RNA the molecule that is made during DNA transcription that has a complementary base sequence to the coding strand of DNA and an identical base sequence to the template strand of DNA
what is tRNA?transfer RNA involved in translation attached to amino acids
ribosomesorganelles in cells where the process of translation occurs during protein synthesis can be attached to an endoplasmic reticulum or be free floating in the cytoplasm
what are codons?the sequence of 3 nucleotides which form the genetic code in DNA and RNA molecules they code for amino acids
what is the genetic code?the sequence of bases on DNA consisting of triplets of bases which code for an amino acid it is degenerate, non-overlapping, universal and also a triplet code
why is the genetic code a triplet code?each of the three bases in a codon code for an amino acid
why is the genetic code degenerate?more than one triplet codes for the same amino acid
why is the genetic code non-overlapping?each triplet is only read once and triplets don't share bases
what is a gene?a sequence of bases on a DNA molecule that codes for a sequence of amino acids in polypeptide chain
what is the basic structure of an amino acid?contains amine group and carboxyl group
what are polypeptides?long chains of amino acids joined by peptide bonds in condensation reactions the primary structure of proteins
why is the primary structure of a protein important?determines how the protein will be folded determines what bonds should be formed in its 3D shape determines the proteins properties and function
how does the primary structure determine other structures?the R-groups in each amino acid determine what type of bonds are formed in the polypeptide chain
function and sturcture of globluar proteinsthey have a functional role they have complex tertiary/quaternary structures they are soluble example includes haemoglobin, hormones, antibodies and carrier proteins
function and structure of fibrous proteinsare for structural purposes they are insoluble usually secondary structures, not many tertiary/quaternary structures they are long and parallel cross linkages form microfibrils for tensile strength examples include collagen
what is the primary structure of a protein?a sequence of amino acids bonded by peptide bonds
what is the secondary structure of a protein?the 2D arrangement of amino acids can be alpha helix or beta pleated sheet
what is the tertiary structure of a protein?the 3D folding of the secondary structure into a complex shape the shape is determined by 3 types of bonds: hydrogen bonds - attractions between partially charged atoms in R-groups ionic bonds - salt bridges between oppositely charged R-groups disulphide bridges - covalent bonds between sulphur atoms and cysteine
what is the quaternary structure?the last level of protein structure contains 2 or more polypeptide chains in its structure is also a 3D structure like tertiary
collagen properties and functionfibrous protein high tensile strength due to hydrogen and covalent bonds present made of 3 polypeptides forming an alpha triple helix main component of connective tissues insoluble
haemoglobin properties and functionglobular protein soluble made of 4 polypeptide chains so has quaternary structure carries oxygen in the blood which binds to the haem group (Fe2+) in the protein
what are enzymes?globular proteins biological catalysts
what is activation energy?the minimum amount of energy needed for a reaction to occur
how do enzymes lower activation energydistort the substrate bonds creates a charge distribution reduce reaction entropy by bringing substrates closer together provide an alternative reaction pathway
what is the active site of an enzyme?the region on an enzyme where the substrate molecules bind and undergo a chemical reaction
what are the names of the two enzyme models?lock and key model induced fit model
how does the primary structure of an enzyme determine the active site's shape?the order of amino acids and their R-groups influences which type of bonds are formed and how the protein folds into its tertiary structure
intracellular enzymeenzymes that are made and used within the cell its made by
extracellular enzymeenzymes that are made in a cell but not used by the cell
anabolic enzymeenzymes that combines smaller molecules to make a larger one
catabolic enzymeenzymes that are used to break down larger molecules into smaller ones
factors that affect enzyme activitytemperature enzyme concentration substrate concentration pH
what is the induced fit model?where the enzyme's active site adjusts around the substrate to fit this goes against the lock and key model because it allows the enzyme to not have a fixed shape
investigate the effect of enzyme and substrate concentration on the initial rates of reactionpotatoes contain the enzyme catalase which breaks down hydrogen peroxide cork bore and cut up the potato into evenly sliced disks into 5,10,15,20 and 25 disks sets hydrogen peroxide in conical flask with gas syringe add each number of potato disks to the hydrogen peroxide and measure the volume of oxygen produced every 10 seconds for 1 minute repeat this 3 times for each set of disks to get mean no disks present as control
why is the initial rate of reaction used?the initial rate shows change whereas the end of the reaction stays constant the initial rate allows for a graph to be able to be plotted