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level: Vitamins and minerals

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Vitamins and minerals

Where is the biggest mineral storage site in the body?Bones
Which mineral is required for the production of the enzyme Glutathione peroxidise?Selenium
Polyunsaturated fats are more susceptible to free radical attacks than monounsaturatedTrue
How can you reduce free radicals?Fruit and veg
Switching from ordinary potatoes to sweet potatoes will increase the intake of which antioxidant vitamin?Vitamin A
Fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K are mainly found where?Fats and oils
Broccoli along with other leafy greens are high in which vitamin?K
Which vitamin is essential to see in dim light, protects the respiratory tract, maintains skin and is essential for growth?A
Which vitamin is essential for bones and teeth, has functions in the brain, nervous system and immunoregulation?D
What are the main forms of vitamin D?Ergocalciferol D2 Cholecalciferol D3
The darker pigment of skin the harder to synthesis vitamin DTrue
Which vitamin is the most important antioxidant to protect cell membranes from damage by oxidationE
Vitamins E main role is an antioxidantTrue
Which vitamin is retinol a precursor for?A
Haemorrhagic diseaseof the new-born is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin KTrue
Recommended intake vitamin A600-700ug
Clients with darker skin pigment are more likely to suffer from vitamin DTrue
Which vitamin is involved in the formation of collagen, a protein used in the structure of connective tissue and bone which helps them hold together?C
Ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid are 2 types of which vitamin?C
Who should supplement Vitamin C ?Smokers
Who should supplement vitamin B12?Vegans
Who should supplement B6?Smokers
Pregnant women have an increased need for folic acidTrue
Neural tube defects can be prevented by supplementing with folic acidTrue
Lack of ___ can cause fatigue, weakness, mental confusion and in extreme cases, heart failurePotassium
Lack of ___ can cause fatigue, nausea, cramps and strong thirstSodium
It is the Phosphorous bonds of ATP that store the energy that is released when these bonds are brokenTrue
Menstruating women need increase in iron as iron is lost during menstruationTrue
High fibre diets impairs iron absorption. Tea also prevents absorption due to the tanninsTrue
Alcohol consumption increases the need for ___ as it is utilised in the breakdown and metabolism of alcoholZinc
which mineral is a component of enzymes that form part of the body's antioxidant defence system and is also important for absorption of iron?Copper
Iron requires a good source of vitamin C to enhance its absorption?True
Iron is an important component of haemoglobin and myoglobin and as such gives them their oxygen-carrying capabilityTrue
Zinc is involved in the major metabolic pathway which metabolises CHO, lipids, proteins and is an important antioxidantTrue
Chromium works with insulin by allowing the hormone to move sugar into the body cells where it is needed to produce energyTrue
Iodine is needed in the first three months of gestation for the development of the nervous system of the foetusTrue
Iodine forms the intrinsic part of the two hormones that are major contributors T4 & T3 controlling the body's metabolic rateTrue
Which mineral id responsible for cretinism?Iodine
Which vitamin enhances the absorption of iron?C