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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

AccountabilityBeing responsible for one's own actions
AdvocateOne who defends/pleads a cause/issue on behalf of another
DepositionWitnesses undergoing questioning by attorneys
Doctrine of Informed ConsentFull disclosure of facts needed by the patient to make an informed decision prior to any invasive treatment/procedure
Ethical DilemmasNo clear right/wrong answer
EthicsValues that influence a person's behavior and their feelings/beliefs about what is right/wrong
EuthanasiaWithholding lifesaving treatment Letting a person die A form of passive neglect
LawsSanction acceptable behavior Prohibit unacceptable behavior
LiabilityLegal responsibility
LiableLegally responsible
MalpracticeProfessional neglect
Non-maleficenceTo do no harm
Standards of CareDefine acts whose performance is required/permitted/prohibited
Value ClarificationProcess of self-evaluation gain insights into personal beliefs/values
ValuesPersonal beliefs about the worth of an object/idea/custom/attitude
VerdictDecision based on evidence/testimony/credibility of witness/laws pertaining to the issue
Criminal LawOffensive/detrimental to society in general Involves public offenses Purpose of laws=punish for the crime and prevent further crimes
Civil LawViolates an individuals rights detrimental to that individual purpose of laws=make the aggrieved person whole again
NegligenceAbsence of due care
4 key elements for the concept of malpractice1. Duty: relationship between patient/nurse 2. Breach: failure to perform duty 3. Harm has occurred 4. Proximate cause is breach of duty
Abandonment of CareWrongful termination of providing patient care
AssaultIntentional threat to cause bodily harm
BatteryUnlawful touching without consent
CompetencyLegal presumption that at the age of majority, the person can make their own decisions (unless proved otherwise)
DefamationMalicious and intentional statements that may injure one's reputation
HarmInjury to person/property that gives rise to basis of legal action
LibelMalicious/untrue writing about another person
LanderMalicious/untrue spoken words
TortA type of civil law that involves wrongs against a person/property
Most common areas of litigation against nurses Performance failures in:Standard of care Use of equipment Documentation Patient advocacy
Preventable Omissions in Nursing Failures to:Collaborate with other team members Clarify interdisciplinary orders Ask for/offer assistance Utilize evidence based performance Communicate info to patients/families Limit overtime Adequate staff with appropriate credentialed staff
Standards of care paired with the scope of nursing practice does what?Define the obligations of the nurse, including those activities that are obligatory and those that are prohibited
The Patient Self-Determination ActRequires that institutions maintain written policies and procedures regarding advance directives, the right to accept or refuse treatment and to fully participate in health care related decisions
What is the goal of the American Hospital Association (AHA)To promote the public's understanding of their rights and responsibilities as consumers of health care
Health care institutions are obligated to uphold the patient's rights to_____1. Access to health care without any prejudice 2. Treatment with respect and dignity at all times 3. Privacy and confidentiality 4. Personal safety 5. Complete info about one's own condition and treatment
Patients' responsibilities to health care institution1. Providing accurate info about themselves 2. Giving info regarding their known conditions 3. Participating in decision making regarding treatment and care
Consent for treatment does not_______Waive the right to privacy
Claims-made policyProvides protection when claim for nursing/negligence is made while policy is in force
Occurrence-basis policyProtects against claims made about events that occurred during the policy period/extended coverage period
Tail agreementExtended coverage for nurse
Advance directivesSigned and witnessed documents that provide specific instructions for health care treatment if a person is unable to make these decisions personally at the time they are needed.
Living willWritten document that directs treatment in accordance with a patient's wishes in the event of a terminal illness or condition
Durable power of attorneyAn agent, surrogate, or proxy to make health care decisions on the patient's behalf based on patient's wishes
To clarify values, you do what?1. Select the belief or behavior and examine it 2. Decide it's value 3. Incorporate value into daily responses
Respect for peopleTo view all human life as sacred, with each individual having inherent worth as a person
AutonomyFreedom of personal choice A right to be independent and make decisions freely
BeneficenceDoing/acting for someone's good