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level: Part 2

Questions and Answers List

Questions 21-31

level questions: Part 2

Scripture alone is our ultimate authority in matters of faith and life We are saved by faith alone We are save by grace alone1. Give a brief definition of the following: Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia
Revelation that is given to all men, particularly creation Ps19, Romans 1:18f2. What is general revelation?
Revelation given to God's people, in the past through the apostles and prophets, but today is contained in God's Word, the Bible3. What is special revelation
Only in the Bible4. Does special revelation continue today?
The critical point here is not whether or not you believe tongues continue. However, you must affirm that the canon of Scripture is closed and there is no "new revelation"5. What is your view of the charismatic gifts (tongues, prophesy, etc.)
The Bible is our only infallible rule in faith and life and since it is God's Word has the very authority of God Himself6. What authority does the Bible have?
God-breathed 2Timothy 3:16-17. Scripture is the very Word of God7. What is inspiration?
Inspiration is God breathing the Word, illumination is the Spirit's opening our eyes to the truth in the Word.8. What is the difference between inspiration and illumination?
The Bible is incapable of error.9. What is infallibility?
The Bible has no errors10. What is inerrancy?
There is one God in three distinct persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The are one God, the same in substance, and equal in power and glory. Hypostatic Union - Hebrews 1:3 and John 15:2611. Define the Trinity and give scriptural support
Human and divine. The great creeds make this doctrine more clear. Nicene and Chalcedon - without mixture, division , separation, confusion12. What are the two natures of Christ and what is their relationship to each other?
Incarnation, became subject to the demands and curse of the law, suffered, died was buried, descended into Hell (not literal)13. What was involved in Christ's humiliation?
Resurrection, ascension, session, return. See Phil 2 for an outline of the humiliation and exaltation.14. What was involved in Christ's exaltation?
Prophet, Priest and King. Prophet -proclaims God's will to us&reveals God to us Priest - offered Himself up as a sacrifice for our sins & continually intercedes for us. King - has subdued us and rules us in our hearts15. What are the three offices of Christ?
Means to cover, make amends, blot out an offense, or give satisfaction for a wrong done.16. What is the atonement?
Atonement which turns away God's wrath (Heb 2:17; Rom 3:23, 1 John 2:2, 4:10)17. What is propitiation?
Atonement which cancels our debt of sin.18. What is expiation?
It was substitutionary. He died as the substitute for His people.19. What do we mean when we say that Christ's atonement was vicarious?
Active obedience - Christ lived a righteous life for us -Did the good we should have done Passive obedience - He died on the cross to pay for our wrong Undid the wrong we did20. Distinguish the active and passive obedience of Christ.