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level: Skeletal Muscles

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Skeletal Muscles

Skeletal, smooth, cardiacTypes of Muscle
Contractyle apparatus of skeletal muscleSarcomere
ActinThin Filaments
MyosinThick filaments
Z lineThin filaments sit on the
Actin onlyi band
Mid line of the sarcomere where myosin liesm line
Only myosinH band
All togetherA band
Myosin pulls actin inIn the contraction of the muscle
When muscles contract upon joints and the lever provided is the bonesLever system
TendonsAttached to the bones via (muscle to bone)
Dense regular CTTendons type of CT
ligamentsWhat connects bone to bone
attachment to the stationary boneOrigin point (proximal)
Attachment to the movable boneInsertion (distal)
it will not move that bone (biceps example)Generally, if a muscle lies above a bone...
Isotonic and isometricTypes of contraction in sm
Muscle changes its lengthIsotonic contraction
no changes in length of the muscle (static exercise, f.e., sitting on a wall)Isometric contraction
Concentric and eccentricTypes of isotonic contraction
Muscle lengthens, force = force of gravityEccentric contraction
Muscle shortens, force of contraction is greater than force of gravity to produce movementConcentric contraction
Group of myofibersFascicle
perimysiumFascicle surrounded by...
epimysium (dense irregular CT)Multiple fascicles surrounded by
Muscle cellMyofiber
EndomysiumMyofiber surrounded by
FasciclesA muscle consists of many
Parallel, fusiform, circular, triangular, pennateClassification (arrangement of the fascicles)
Fascicles parallel to the longitudinal axis of muscle; terminate at either end in flat tendonsParallel muscle
Parallel muscle; behind ear, helps us depress our mandibleStylohyoid muscle classification
Fascicles nearly parallel to the longitudinal axis of muscle; terminate in flat tendons; muscle tapper toward tendons where diameter is less than at the belly (spindle shaped)Fusiform muscles
Fusiform muscle, helps depress mandibleDigastric muscle type
Both ends of the fascicles attach to the same tendon. Fascicles in concentric cirular arrangementCircular muscle
Around our eye, circularObicularis oculi muscle type
Muscle around our lipsObicularis oris
Fascicles spread over broad area and converge at thich central tendonTriangular muscle
TriangularPectoralis major muscle type
short fascicles in relation ot the total muscle length; tendon extends nearly entire length of musclePennate muscle
unipennate, bipennate, multipennatePennate muscle subtypes
Fascicles arranged on only one side of tendon (extensor digitorum longus muscle)Unipennate muscle
Fascicles on both sides of central tendon (looks like a feather; rectus femoris)Bipennate muscle
Many tendons in bipennate arrangement (deltoid), all converge together to a common tendonmultipennate muscle
The different bellies of the muscle have different actions associated with themReason why muscles are arranged that way in bipennate and multipennate muscles
Muscle producing the movementAgonist muscle
Opposite effect (contracts when the other relaxes and viceversa)Antagonist muscle
"pacifist"; neutralise extra motion from the agonist, stabilise the intermediate joints and facilitate movement with less effortSynergist muscle
Agonist, antagonist, synergist, fixatorMuscle groups that act together for coordination
Stabilise the origin of the agonistFixator muscles
Deltoid and trapezoidFixators for biceps
Group of muscles with a common function together that have more or less the same innervation, arterial supply and lymphatic drainageCompartments of muscles
Facial nerve (cranial nerve 7)Nerve for muscles of facial expression
Facial expressionfunctions of muscles of facial expression
Obicularis oculi, Obicularis oris, Zygomatic major and minorImpt. muscles of facial expression
Trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve 5), specifically the mandibular division of this nerveMuscles of mastication nerve
Mastication (chewing)Muscles of mastication function
Temporalis, medial and lateral pterygoids, masseter, platisma (panic muscle)Impt. muscles of mastication
Line that divides muscles in the rectus abdominis, causing 6 packLinea alba
Central tendon, tendons that connect it to L2 and L3 vertebrae, NOT ONLY 2Tendons of the diaphragm
Connect structures from thoracic cavity to abdominal cavity (interior vena cava, esophagus, aorta)Openings of the diaphragm
Runs with each compartment (contains nerves, arteries and veins)Neurovascular bundle
Compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformisSciatica caused by