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level: More amount expressions

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level questions: More amount expressions

Expressing nothing but usingばかり
しょく·ば - workplace職場
Workplace is nothing but good people.職場はいい人ばかりだ。
み·うしな·う - to lose sight of見失う
If (you) do nothing but work, (you) will lose sight of important things.仕事ばかりをしていると、大切なことを見失う。
(I’ve) been eating nothing but meat lately so (I’m) trying to eat more vegetables.最近は、肉ばかりを食べているから野菜をもっと食べるようにしている。
Casual of 「ばかり」can also be shortened to just 「ばっかり」 or 「ばっか」
Nothing but lies!うそばっかり!
ちょう - register
Why is (your) address book nothing but girls?アドレス帳は何で女の子ばっかなの?
Used to convert an adjective into a scale or degree. For example, changing the adjective for “tall” to “height”.「さ」
Expressing degree: I-adjectivesReplace the last 「い」 with 「さ」
Expressing degree: Na-adjectivesAppend 「さ」 to the end
たか·さ - height高さ
たのし-さ - joyfulness楽しさ
free time暇さ
せ·かい - the world世界
たて·もの - building建物
What’s the height of (the) tallest building in the world?世界で一番高い建物の高さは何?
ちょう·か - the sense of hearing聴覚
びん·かん - sensibility敏感
びんかん-さ - Sensitivity敏感さ
にん·げん - human being人間
くら·べ·る - to compare比べる
はるか に じょう- far aboveはるかに上だ
If you compare the level of sensitivity of hearing of dogs to humans, it is far above.犬の聴覚の敏感さを人間と比べると、はるかに上だ。
み·た·め - appearance見た目
あるき やす-さ - ease of walking歩きやすさ
As for shoe(s), don’t (you) think ease of walking is more important than looks?靴は、見た目より歩きやすさの方が大事だと思わない?
can be used with an amount to describe something that’s excessive
(I) called you even three times yesterday!昨日、電話三回もしたよ!
Once (I) went to America, (I) gained even 5 kilograms.アメリカに行ったら、5キロも太っちゃった。
(I) was made to wait even 30 minutes by that guy!あいつに30分も待たされたよ!
can be used together to express, “the more something, the more something else「ば」 conditional and 「ほど」
The more fun it is the more楽しければ楽しいほど
The easier it is the more簡単であれば簡単なほど
The more you look the more…見れば見るほど
た·つ - to pass; to lapse経つ
The more fun (it) is, the more it feels like time is passing quickly. (lit: If (it’s) fun, to the extent that (it’s) fun, feels like time is passing quickly.)楽しければ楽しいほど、時間が経つのが早い感じがする。
As for recipe(s), the easier (it) is, the better it is, isn’t it? (lit: If recipe is simple, to (the) extent that (it’s) simple, (it’s) better, isn’t it?)レシピは簡単であれば簡単なほどいいですよね。
うつく·し·い - beautiful美しい
The more (I) look, the more beautiful (she is). (lit: if (I) look, to the extend that (I) look, beautiful.)見れば見るほど美しい。