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level: UK weather become more extreme

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level questions: UK weather become more extreme

What is weather?This is the atmosphere behaviour over a course of a day to day
What are the two types of pressure systems in the UK?Depressions and Anticyclones.
Describe DepressionsThis is an area that has low atmospheric pressure. The air rising makes clouds equalling rainfall. Depressions move eastwards usually across the UK bringing surprising weather, every day You also have Frontal systems along with Depressions which have steady rain, drizzle and Sky clearing.
Describe AnticyclonesThey are areas of high pressure which is created when cool air sinks. They spin in a clockwise direction and make the skies clear. In the summer, Anticyclones bring hot and sunny weather while in the winter, they bring cold weather like fog and frost.
What is the average of rain?Every one in three days, it rains. The Highlands recieve the most along with Northern Island, Wales and South-West.
What are the three types of rainfall?Relief rainfall Convectional rainfall Frontal rainfall
Describe Relief RainfallRelief rainfall happens when warm moist air rises from the Atlantic Warm moist air rises above the mountains from the sea. It then cools and condenses forming clouds. It will then rain and with that the air will descends and become warm. This will also create a Rain Shadow [Drier Conditions]
Describe Convectional rainfall-This happens usually in the Summer in the UK when the suns has heated up the land -This creates warm chunks of air that rises. This is also known as Convection Currents. -Warm air rises rapidly until it cools and then makes clouds [Cumulonimbus] -It then heavily rains and makes thunderstorms
Describe Frontal Rainfall-Frontal rainfall happens when a warm front meets a cold front. -The heavy cold air sinks to the ground while the warm air rises above it -When it has rises, it will cool, then becomes clouds, and then bring heavy rainfall.
What are some examples of Britain extreme weather examples-Heavy rain -Gales [Strong wind] -Floods -Heavy snowfall -Thick fog -Heat wave -Drought
How is Climate Change linked in?They makes these events more common and more powerful.
What does the Environment Agency responsible for?They are responsible for the potential flooding hazards. They do it in three codes -Yellow means its just a flood alert -Red means its flood warning -Red house and outline means its a severe flood warning