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level: Level 9

Questions and Answers List

Nerva & Trajan

level questions: Level 9

Identify.Fontana dell'Aqua Paola, created by Pope Paul V, 1606, Janiculum Hill, took marble from Forum Transitorium (Nerva's forum)
Identify.Trajan as a Victorious General, Ostia, 110 CE, Museo Archeological Ostiense, Ostia, marble, prima porta stance, arm up (probably leaning on a spear), cuirass more minimalistic when compared to prima porta, full military gear, comma locks, very realistic and distinctive features, victories on cuirass mimic reliefs found on 5th cent. buildings in Athenian Acropolis, some advances (proportions larger, layers very distinctive, deep carving), mix of public and private portraiture.
Identify.Portrait of Plotina, 112 CE, from Maritime Baths, Ostia, Museo Nazionale Romano Palazzo Massimo, Rome, calm and ageless face, return to a figure almost like Livia, smooth shallowly carved hair (like Livia), extension of Flavian hairstyle (more classicizing), serene expression, undrilled pupils (painted)
Identify.baths of Trajan, dedicated 109 CE, architect - Apollodorus of Damascus, built on Esquiline Hill, adopts central form of Titus' bath (much larger than Baths of Titus), outdoor courtyards, imperial bath type, based on axiality and symmetry, central bathing block, large rectangular precinct (tabernae and meeting hall, lecture halls, libraries), flexible space, shops
Identify.Basilica Ulpia, 113 CE, Forum of Trajan, largest basilica in Rome, grey granite columns dividing the space, 2 exedra on either end, opus sectile floor, claristory (windows on second level letting light in), becomes center for political life, used to build the earliest cathedrals
Identify.Column of Trajan, 113 CE (?), inside the forum, raised on a high podium, ashes of Trajan inside the column, buried inside the pomerium (religious boundary in rome) - honor, bronze sculpture of Trajan on top replaced by a sculpture of St. Peter, continuous helical relief, relief 200 m long, tells story of Trajan's campaign against the Dacians, flanked by libraries, polychrome (make scenes easier to see), circling a tomb thought to be part of funerary practices - relief circling up column and around Trajan's ashes
Identify.Column of Trajan base, 113 CE (?), inscription being held up by winged victories, arms of Dacians decorating base, column resting on base of arms of enemies he conquered
study individual reliefs on canvas power point:)
Identify.Trajan's Market, built between 100-112 CE, 150 shop offices and apartments, , architect - Apollodorus of Damascus, semicircular form (wrapping around exedra of Forum of Trajan, built into remaining portion of Quirinal Hill), three stories, has a direct entrance to/from Trajan's forum
Identify.Via Biberatica, street in Trajan's market, many follow the path of the semicircular forum structure, shop fronts with travertine door frames, ramps with polygonal masonry act as paved streets connecting the different levels
Identify.Aula - halls/covered bazaar, admin area, 2 story interior space with shops and offices, covered with groin vaults that spring from individual piers
Identify.Arch of Trajan at Beneventum, 114 CE (or 117-120), Trajan builds a new road from Via Appia to Brundisium, celebrated completion of the road with arch (located where 2 roads meet), paid for with his own resources, very similar to Arch of Titus (more decorated), domestic & foreign policy, Intrados of Arch of Trajan (being crowned by victory, coffers, garland with parts of Dacian armor built into it
Identify.Arch of Trajan relief of Trajan giving food to poor children, 114 CE, alimenta relief, classicizing (isocephaly, shallow relief for background figures [depth and perception])
Identify.Attic finished by Hadrian after death of Trajan, Hadrian puts himself in it (creates a visual relation to Trajan), in some space with temple behind them, Roma stepping out to welcome Trajan