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level: Level 8

Questions and Answers List

Pompeii and Herculanium

level questions: Level 8

Identify.Lararium, Lucius Caecilius Iucundus, 62-79 CE, thought to show the earthquake that damaged Pompeii in 62 CE, some parts tilted to show the effects of the earthquake, relief includes objects seen in Pompeii, semi-historical scene/showing major event, shows someone falling off a horse (i think)
Identify.Terme Surburbane, public bath, Pompeii, some bronze furniture, highly decorated, changing room with cubby holes, erotic wall paintings in cubbies.
Identify.Temple of Isis, Pompeii, dedicated to Egyptian deity, only temple refurbished after the eruption, painting of religious scene
Identify.Dog mosaic, Pompeii, "beware of dog", outside of a house, polychrome (would've been more colorful when wet), multiple mosaics like this can be found in Pompeii but this is the only one with an inscription