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level: The Neighborhood

Questions and Answers List

level questions: The Neighborhood

I know the neighborhoodJe connais le quartier
the alleyla ruelle
the apartment housel'immeuble (m)
the avenuel'avenue (f)
the boulevardle boulevard
the buildingle bâtiment
the construction sitele chantier
the dead end streetl'impasse (f)
the downtown areale centre
the green spacesles espaces verts
the neighborhood closed to trafficla zone piétone, la zone piétonnière
the outdoor café seatingla terasse du café
the pedestrian bridgele pont piéton
the pedestrian only streetla rue piétonne
the shopping areala zone commerciale
the skyscraperle gratte-ciel
the paved streetla rue pavé
the suburbsla banlieue
the subway entrancela bouche du métro
Where are the museums?Où se trouvent les musées ?
the art galleriesles galeries de peinture, une galerie
the department storesles grands magasins
the movie theatersles cinémas
the night clubsles boîtes