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level: Term Definitions

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Term Definitions

Acromegalyenlargement of extremities
Adrenalectomyremoval of adrenal gland
Adrenopathydisease condition in the adrenal gland
Adrenalp.t. the adrenal gland
Hypercalcemiablood condition of excessive calcium
Glucosuriacondition of sugary urination
Glycemicp.t. a blood condition with sugar
Hyperglycemiablood condition of excessive sugar
Hypoglycemiablood condition of a deficiency of sugar
Hormonalp.t. hormones
Hyperkalemiablood condition of excessive potassium
Hypokalemiablood condition of a deficiency of potassium
Hypernatremiablood condition of excessive sodium
Hyponatremiablood condition of a deficiency of sodium
Pancreatectomyremoval of the pancreas
Pancreaticp.t. to pancreas
Pancreatitisinflammation of the pancreas
Pancreatotomyincision of the pancreas
Parathyroidectomyremoval of parathyroid gland
Pinealopathydisease condition in the pineal gland
Polydipsiaexcessive thirst
Polyuriaexcessive urination
Thymectomyremoval of thymus gland
Thymomatumor on the thymus gland
Euthyroidnormal thyroid
Thyroiditisinflammation of the thyroid
Thyromegalyenlargement of the thyroid