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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Trust Vs Mistrust0-1: Infant learns whether world should be trusted or feared; largely as a response to parents reaction to cries for food, need and affection
Autonomy vs doubt and shame1-3: Toddler gains reassurance from tasks such as self-feeding crawling and walking, and even exploring own body
Intitiative versus guilt3-6: children play alone, but around other people. Enjoys "showing off" and "being good." develops a conscious and accepts punishment for wrong doing to clear guilt; generally do not have a concept of time
Reflexes that allow an infant to take milksucking and rooting (0-6 mo)
Reflex that decreases between 4 and 6 months that allows an infant to depress tongue and take in semisolid foodExtrusion (protrusion) reflex
When teething begins7-8 months
Baby food preferencessmooth, thin, lukewarm, and bland
Most common side effects of immunizationslow-grade fever, local reaction such as tenderness or swelling at injection site
First teethbetween 6 and 8 months; lower central incisors (usually).
Growth rate of preschoolers3-5 lb per year and 2.5 inches per year
The greatest skeletal growth in preschoolers takes place in the....feet and legs
Example includes three year olds talking to toys or petsnoncommunicative or egocentric language
Preschool psychosocial development stageInitiative vs guilt
School-aged psychosocial development stageIndustry vs inferiority
The first permanant teeth6 year molars, which appear directly behind deciduous molars and define jawline
The ability to recognize that a change in shape does not necessarily mean a change in amount that appears during school-agersConservation
Enables conservational thought, such as the abilility to think in either direction as in addition and subtraction; occurs in school aged childrenReversibility
Being able to see several aspects of a problem at the same time and understand the relation of various parts of the whole situation, such as cause and effect and other points of view; appears in school aged childrenDecentration
Important cognitive steps in school agers that move them away from preoperational egocentric thinking to concrete, operational, decentered thoughtConservation, Reversibility, decentration, and classification
Age of turning head while in prone position4 wks
Age of pushing up from prone position12 wks
Age of sitting up but tilts for balance21 wks
Age of using the pincer grasp to pick up a piece of cereal32 wks
Reflexes present at birthMonoro, babinski, rooting, and tonic neck
Age of crawling, pulling toys toward self, and pincer grasp32 wk
Average head circumference at birth13.7 in or 35 cm.
Average Head circumference at 1 year18 in or 47 cm
Toddler stage of psychosocial developmentAutonomy (Independence) vs doubt and shame
Virtures of the toddlerSelf-contro and willpower, and discipline
Significant toddler developmentgrowth slows while motor, social, and language develop rapidly
Significant toddler mile stonesStands and walks alone with progression toward balance (as on one foot) Toilet training (partial or fulll) Holds a spoon and drinks from a cup Language explosion... no and mine Parallel play and make believe begin
Behavioral characterisitics of a toddlernegativisim, responds to most things with "no" to assert individuality finds security in ritualism Temper tantrums
Toddler playparallel, imitation of role models, gradual self control, finger paint, playdough thick crayons, large puzzles (safety concerns)
A Preschooler's favorite wordwhy... "sponges of information"
Physical milestone of preschoolerswanna "be big", throw and catch a ball, better balance
Preschoolers may gain....less than 6 lbs and about 3 inches annually
20/20 vision is not usually achieved untilearly-mid school age
Phobias and nightmares are concerns during ....preschool
Developmental task for the preschool-aged groupinitiative versus guilt.
Virtue of the preschoolerSense of direction and purpose
Try to find ways to do things to help, but they may feel guilty if scolded when they fail because of inexperience or lack of skill.Preschoolers
First missing teeth are usuallyCentral incisors usually first to go between the ages of 5 and 6 (late preschool)
Age of "naughty words"Preschool 4 and 5
Magical thinking and imagination contribute during the preschool years may contribute tofears and anxieties, also nightmares which may lead to sleep disturbances
Greatest areas of concern during preschool years•Sibling rivalry •Phobias and nightmares •Masturbation •Enuresis
Appetite of the preschoolerErratic and decreased (nutritious snacks and rituals are important)
Preschool immunizations and screenings (annual visits recommended)Boosters of MMR, polio, dTP•Vision and hearing •Denver Developmental screening (for developmental delays)
Dentist visits should betwice a year
Preschoolers may show aggression byverbally by name calling and physically by pushing, shoving, kicking, and biting
Why spanking is ineffectiveRemoves responsibility from the child
Cephalocaudal:Growth following an orderly pattern from the head downward.
Proximodistal growthStarts in the center and progresses outward. (EX. Child can wave arms before picking things up with fingers)
Industry versus Inferioritythe School age child competes with others and enjoys accomplishing tasks.
Identity versus Role Confusion—the adolescent goes through physical and emotional changes as he or she develops as an independent person with goals and ideas. Relationship with peers is very importantthe adolescent goes through physical and emotional changes as he or she develops as an independent person with goals and ideas. Relationship with peers is very important
Sensorimotor phasethe infant uses the senses for physical satisfaction.
Preoperational phase:2-7 yrs; sees the world from an egocentric or self-centered point of view.•No concept of quantity or time
Concrete operations phase:7-11 yrs; the child learns to problem solve in a systematic way•Consider another’s point of view•Exhibits reversibility, seriation, and conservation of matter
Formal operations phase: the adolescent has his or her own ideas and can think in abstract ways.the adolescent has his or her own ideas and can think in abstract ways.
The school-aged child develops the cognitive skills to understandconservation of numbers, mass, weight, and volume; to see different aspects of a problem at the same time
Primary concerns for school agersSibling rivalry •Responsibilities •Sex education•Substance Abuse