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level: Reproduction

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Reproduction

An ectopic pregnancy can occur in:the uterus or the pelvic cavity.
Crossing over is the process during which:pairs of matching chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell and exchange genes with one another.
following structures is a part of the vulvamons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, urinary meatus, vaginal orfice, greater vestibular glands
Fertilization of an ovum most often occurs in thefallopian tube
Going from the ovary to the uterus, the sequence of the divisions of the uterine tubesfimbriae, infundibulum, ampulla and isthmus
In the male, LHstimulates the interstitial cells to increase their secretion of testosterone.
Leydig cells is another name for:interstitial cells
Sertoli cells is another name forsustentacular cells
The foreskin in the male is also known as the:prepuce
The funnel-shaped, open-ended portion of the oviduct is called theinfundibulum.
The gland that secretes an acidic substance that constitutes about 30% of the seminal fluid is theprostate gland
The hormone that causes the alveoli of the mammary glands to produce milk isprolactin
The layer of the uterus from which tissue is sloughed during menstruation is the:endometrium
The male gland that secretes a fructose sugar used as an energy source for sperm is the:seminal vesicle
The primary germ layer that forms many of the structures around the periphery of the body is theectoderm.
The process of egg formation is calledoogenesis.
The region between the vaginal orifice and the anus is called the:perineum
The structure known as the "bag of waters" is theamniotic cavity.
The structure that connects the epididymis with the ejaculatory duct is thevas deferens
secrete the various , nutrient - rich part of seminal fluid (60%)Seminal vesicles
secrete alkaline fluid (5%)Bulbourethral gland
How do testis descendbefore birth, the testes move from their retoperitoneal location near the kidneys and through the inguinal canal to the scrotum
What is the first menstrual cycle calledMenarche
stages of developmentZygote - fertilized ovum Embryo - first 8 weeks after conception Fetus - 8 weeks till birth Neonate -Birth till 4 weeks Infant - from birth - 18 months Child - end of infancy to sexual maturity or puberty Adolescent - puberty - adulthood Adult - developmental period after adolescent