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level: Special Terms

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level questions: Special Terms

Acquired ImmunityFormation of antibodies after exposure to an antigen
Antibody (Ab)Proteins produced by white blood cells in response to antigens
Antigen (Ag)Foreign substance (protein) that stimulates the production of antibodies
ImmunityThe body's ability to resist organisms and toxins
ImmunoglobulinsAntibodies produced by plasma cells
Interstitial FluidFluid in the paces between cells; extracellular fluid in tissues
LymphWatery fluid found in lymphatic vessels
Lymph CapillariesTiniest lymphatic vessels
Lymph NodeStationary; bean-shaped structure along lymphatic vessels
Lymph VesselsVessels that carry lymph throughout the body
MacrophagesMonocytes that migrate from the blood to the tissue; large phagocytes
SpleenOrgan in the cranial abdomen that stores, produces, and destroys blood cells
Thymus GlandOrgan in the cranial mediastinum that produces and stores lymphocytes
AllergenSubstance that causes a specific hypersensitivity
AllergyAbnormal hypersensitivity to an antigen
AnaphylaxisExaggerated hypersensitivity to a foreign substance
Autoimmune DiseaseDisease in which the body makes antibodies against its own good cells and tissues
CarrierAn animal that harbors a disease without displaying signs of infection
CultureCultivation of microorganisms in special media
EdemaExcessive fluid in tissues
FebrileHaving a fever
HypersplenismCondition marked by splenomegaly and excessive cell destruction causing anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia
ImmunosupressionImpaired immune response
RemissionSymptoms lessen and the patient feels better
RelapseSymptoms return after an apparent recovery
ResistantDoes not easily affect; not susceptible
RetrovirusRNA virus that multiplies by using the host's DNA
SepisInfection in the blood or other tissues
ToxinA poison
VaccineSuspension containing a killed or weakened microorganism given via injection to induce immunity
VaccinationAdministration of a suspension containing a killed or weakened microorganism to induce immunity
ZoonoticDisease capable of being transmitted from animals to humans