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level: term definitions

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level questions: term definitions

Acetabulerpertaining to the acetabulum
Ankylosisstiff abnormal condition
Arthrocentesissurgical puncture to remove fluid from the joint
Arthrodesissurgical fixation of the joint
Arthrographyprocess of recording the joint
ArthroplastySurgical repair of the joint
Arthroscopeinstrument used for visual examination of the joint
Arthroscopyvisual examination of the joint
Arthrotomyprocess of cutting into the joint
Brachialpertaining to the arm
Hemarthrosisabnormal condition of blood in the joint
Hydrarthrosisabnormal condition of fluid in the joint
Polyarthritisa lot of inflammation in the joint
Calcanealpertaining to the calcaneus
Hypercalcemiablood condition of excessive calcium
Hypocalcemiablood condition of deficient calcium
Carpalpertaining to the carpus
Chondrocostalpertaining to the cartilage in the rib
Chondromafluid collection in the cartilage
Chondromalaciasoftening of cartilage
Chondrosarcomaa malignant tumor of cartilage arising from connective tissue
Supraclavicularpertaining above the clavical
Costalpertaining to the rib
Intercostalpertaining between the ribs
SubcostalPertaining below the rib
Craniotomeinstrument used to cut the skull
Craniotomyincision into the skull
Polydactylycondition of many digits
SyndactylyCondition with digits together (webbed feet)
Dysplasiabad development
Fasciitisinflammation in the fascia
Femoralpertaining to the femur
Fibromafluid collection in the fibrous connective tissue
Fibularpertaining to the fibula
Humeralpertaining to the humerus
Hydrotherapywater treatment
Iliacpertaining to the ilium
Ischialpertaining to the ischium
Kinesiologystudy of movement
Leiomyomatumor in the smooth muscle
LeiomyosarcomaMalignant tumor of smooth muscle arising from connective tissue
Ligamentouspertaining to the ligament
Malleolarpertaining to the malleolus
Mandibularpertaining to the lower jaw
Maxillarypertaining to the upper jaw
Metacarpectomyremoval of the metacarpals
Metatarsalagiapain in the metatarsals
Electromyographyprocess of recording electricity into the muscle
Myectomyremoval of a muscle
Myopothydisease condition in the muscle
Myoplastysurgical repair of muscle
Myotomyprocess of cutting into the muscle
Myelomatumor on the spinal cord
Myelopoiesisformation of white cells
Myositisinflammation in the muscle
Necrosisdeath caused by abnormal condition
Olecranalpertaining to the olecranon
Ostealgiapain in the bone
Osteitisinflammation in the bone
Osteoarthritisinflammation in the bone and joint
Osteocentesissurgical puncture to remove fluid from the bone
Osteochondrosisabnormal condition of bone and cartilage
Osteodystrophyabnormal development of bone
Osteogenesisforming bone
Osteomalaciasoftening of the bone
Osteomyelitisinflammation of bone and bone marrow
Osteonecrosisabnormal condition of bone leading to death
Osteopexysurgical fixation of the bone
Osteoplastysurgical repair of the bone
Osteosarcomaa malignant tumor of bones arising from connective tissue
Osteosclerosishardening of the bone
Osteotomeinstrument to cut bone
Panosteitisinflammation in all parts of the bone
Periosteitisinflammation around the bone
Pelvimetrymeasurement of pelvis
Peronealpertaining to the fibula
Phalangealpertaining to the phalanges
Pubicpertaining to the pubis
Radialpertaining to x-rays
Scapularpertaining to the scapula
Suprascapularpertaining above the scapula
Spondylitisinflammation in the vertebra
Sternalpertaining to the sternum
Patellarpertaining to the patella
Subpatellarpertaining below the patella
Synovitisinflammation in the tendon sheath
Tarsectomyremoval of the tarsus
Tendinectomyremoval of a tendon
Tendonititsinflammation in the tendon
Tenectomyremoval of a tendon
Tenorrhaphysuture in the tendon
Tenotomyprocess of cutting into the tendon
Tibialpertaining to the tibia
Ulnarpertaining to the ulna
Vertebralpertaining to the vertebra