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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Surgery may ______ a patient's appetite and alter metabolic functions.Decrease
Preoperative anxiety influences which 3 factors?1. Amount of anesthesia required 2. Amount of postoperative pain medication required 3. Speed of recovery
What are common medications that are not stopped before surgery and given with a sip of water?Antiseizure and cardiac drugs
Which electrolyte is important to asses before surgery?Potassium
Abnormal serum potassium levels can lead to _______.Dysrhythmias; during and after surgery
What might be obtained if the family member of a dependent person objects to surgery that the physician deems essential?A court order for the procedure
Placing a patient on NPO at midnight before surgery actually increases the risk for which 3 factors?Dehydration Insulin resistance Muscle wasting
What are the three separate ways that latex allergy can occur?1. Irritant contact dermatitis 2. Type IV allergic reactions 3. Type I allergic reactions
What is the true latex allergy?Type I allergy
A cell-mediated response to the chemical irritants found in latex is called a _______ reactionType IV allergic reaction
An immunoglobin E-mediated systemic reaction that occurs when latex proteins are touched, inhaled, or ingested is a ______ reactionType I allergic reaction
Which food allergies may be a risk factor of a latex allergy?Bananas Kiwis Avocados Chestnuts
If general anesthesia is administered, it is important to _______ the lungs postoperativelyVentilate
The lungs do not _____ ______ during surgery.Expand fully
What is the initial postoperative goal of incentive spirometry?One third of the predicted value
What are the 2 types of incentive spirometer?Flow Oriented Volume Oriented
Which types of surgeries contraindicate coughing post-op?Cranial Spinal Ear Eye Nose Throat
What happens to the bladder after general anesthesia?Bladder tone is decreased
What does anesthesia mean?Absence of all sensation
What kind of anesthesia is used commonly for orthopedic surgery involving extremities?Nerve block
What is the primary risk of infiltrative anesthesia?Anesthetic agent may move upward in the spinal cord and affect breathing
When should the preoperative patient void?Before preoperative medication is administered or 1 hour before surgery
What type of IV catheter is used for optimal infusion of all fluids and possible blood products?Large bore IV
How often are vitals assessed during the recovery period?Every 15 minutes
Hypothermia is a rectal temperature of less than ___96 degrees
What does ABCCS stand for?Airway Breathing Consciousness Circulation System review
What is the standard protocol for a patient going into shock?1. Oxygen 2. Elevate legs above heart 3. Increase IV fluid 4. Notify anesthesia provider and surgeon 5. Medicate 6. Assess
What should be done in the event of a wound dehiscence and evisceration?Cover immediately with moistened sterile dressing and notify the surgeon
What hourly amount of postoperative urinary output is acceptable?30mL/hr
An SCD should not be disconnected for more than _____30 minutes
Inflation of SCD lasts ___ seconds and deflation lasts for ___ secondsInflation - 12 seconds Decompression- 48 seconds
What does ABCDEF stand for?A- Allergy B- Bleeding tendencies C- Cortisone or steroid use D- Diabetes mellitus E- Emboli F- Fighting ability
The perioperative period encompasses which 3 phases?1. Preoperative 2. Intraoperative 3. Postoperative
Which two conditions increase the risk for atelectasis?Chronic respiratory disease Thoracic/abdominal surgery
If the patient does not urinate within 8 hours of surgery, palpate above the _________ to determine bladder distentionSymphysis pubis
During general anesthesia, the patient is in a state of unconsciousness that is _________.Reversible
List the 3 methods of regional anesthesia:Epidural Nerve block Spinal
Respiratory ______ may develop if the level of anesthesia risesParalysis
What is the protocol to ensure surgery at the right site/right procedure?1. Preoperative verification process 2. Mark the operative site 3. Timeout for all team members; verify correct patient, procedure, site, and implants
During the intraoperative phase, the nurse assumes one of two roles ______ or ______Scrub nurse or circulating nurse
When a patient regains consciousness, what is commonly the first need expressed?Relief from pain