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level: Level 3

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 3

garments, attire服装 (ふくそう)
dissatisfaction, displeasure不満 (ふまん)
atmosphere雰囲気 (ふんいき)
unsteadily, shakilyふらふら
to touch, to feel触れる (ふれる)
disadvantage, handicap不利 (ふり)
to wave, to shake振る (ふる)
to shiver, to shake震える (ふるえる)
to defend, to protect防ぐ (ふせぐ)
injustice, unfairness不正 (ふせい)
joint, knuckle, tune節 (ふし)
wonder, miracle, strange不思議 (ふしぎ)
insufficiency不足 (ふそく)
twins双子 (ふたご)
boiling, becoming heated沸騰 (ふっとう)
married couple, spouses夫婦 (ふうふ)
scenery, landscape風景 (ふうけい)
unnecessary, unneeded不要 (ふよう)
disused, unused不用 (ふよう)
disused article​不用品 (ふようひん)
injury, harm, damage害 (がい)
foreign language​外国語 (がいこくご)
of foreign manufacture​外国産 (がいこくさん)
diplomacy外交 (がいこう)
eating out, dining out​外食 (がいしょく)
going out外出 (がいしゅつ)
painter, artist画家 (がか)
feel disappointedがっかり
school term学期 (がっき)
musical instrument​楽器 (がっき)
learning, scholarship学 (がく)
department of a university​学部 (がくぶ)
learning, study学問 (がくもん)
scholar学者 (がくしゃ)
study, learning学習 (がくしゅう)
terminal screen画面 (がめん)
pattern, design柄 (がら)
art, the arts芸術 (げいじゅつ)
surgery, department of surgery外科 (げか)
drama, play劇 (げき)
theater劇場 (げきじょう)
actual spot, scene現場 (げんば)
nowadays, modern era現代 (げんだい)
language言語 (げんご)
reality, actuality現実 (げんじつ)
present condition現状 (げんじょう)
limit, bound限界 (げんかい)
cash, ready money現金 (げんきん)
phenomenon現象 (げんしょう)
decrease, decline減少 (げんしょう)
now, current現在 (げんざい)
chairman議長 (ぎちょう)
member of parliament議員 (ぎいん)
congress, parliament議会 (ぎかい)
question, doubt疑問 (ぎもん)
duty, obligation義務 (ぎむ)
silver銀 (ぎん)
argument, discussion議論 (ぎろん)
engineer, technician技師 (ぎし)
language (2)語 (ご)
language study語学 (ごがく)
wonderful, gorgeous豪華 (ごうか)
misunderstanding誤解 (ごかい)
quite, very極 (ごく)
rubbish, trash塵 (ごみ)
passing (exam), success合格 (ごうかく)
total amount合計 (ごうけい)
robber, mugger強盗 (ごうとう)
army, troop軍 (ぐん)
armed forces軍隊 (ぐんたい)
sound sleepぐっすり
concrete, tangible具体 (ぐたい)
by chance, unexpectedly偶然 (ぐうぜん)
reverse, opposite逆 (ぎゃく)
manners, behaviour行儀 (ぎょうぎ)
width, breadth幅 (はば)
to omit, to leave out省く (はぶく)
skin肌 (はだ)
naked, nude裸 (はだか)
showy, flashy派手 (はで)
to grow, to spring up生える (はえる)
violent, furious激しい (はげしい)
mother母親 (ははおや)
ashes灰 (はい)
to sweep, to brush掃く (はく)
brushing one’s teeth​歯磨き (はみがき)
delivery配送 (はいそう)
delivery, distribution配達 (はいたつ)
actor, actress俳優 (はいゆう)
origin, beginning始まり (はじまり)
grave, tomb墓 (はか)
to measure, to weigh計る (はかる)
doctorate博士 (はかせ)
discovery, finding発見 (はっけん)
issue, publishing発行 (はっこう)
to wear, to put on履く (はく)
to vomit, to throw up吐く (はく)
museum博物館 (はくぶつかん)
applause拍手 (はくしゅ)
fireworks花火 (はなび)