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level: Climate Change [Done]

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Climate Change [Done]

Whats is global world temperature right now?14.6 degrees centergrate
What can prove its existence?`1. Remain of the creature in oceans beds and was turned in to fossils via the environment. 2. Tree rings getting thicker because the environment is getting warmer and wetter 3. The gas levels trapped in ice can show how it has changed over 400 thousand years 4. The temperature has generally been going up at a explosive rate 5. Pollen can be analysed and can show how plants grew 6. History records can show how it was years ago.
What can Climate change lead to?Climate change can change environments which could lead to farming being worse, animals and plants being endangered, water being even harder to get, natural hazards being even worse, sea levels rising, heat-health problems, tipping points and more
What caused Climate Change?Causes can be the Greenhouse effect where we are adding a lot of co2 which cause the Earth to heat up because we are trapping the heat, Deforestation the trees which means habitat loss and removing one of the cleanest ways to get CO2 out of the air, Agriculture produces massive amount of CO2 and they also produce methane which makes a horrible gas, Nitrous oxide. Factories work around the clock to make stuff but also make hug tons of CO2. The natural side of Climate change would include Volcanoes as it pumps CO2 and other gases, The sun output its energy [however this is questioned] and the orbit as when we get closer,we get hotter.
What does Mitigration mean?This means to limit the causes of Global warming via reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases
Are there any Mitigation strategies?Yes 1. Transition from fossile fuels to renewable energy which wont negativley effect the environment. The EU is planning on this 2. Using Technology like Carbon capture where you catch Carbon dioxide and put it underground 3. Unions and agreements can influence and help countries thrive for a green world. The Paris agreement is a prime example 4. Planting more trees as they soak up CO2 for Photosynthesis. Around 73 million trees are planned to be planted in the Amazon
What does Adaptaion mean?To limit the bad effects of climate change to humans [adapting to it]
How can we adapt food, water and rising seas?1. Food can be genetically modified or can be located somewhere else 2. Water technology could be installed to help get more water. 3. Physical barriers and defence set up