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level: Level 8

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 8

the partial victoryder Etappensieg
to find (ex. to find one in good spirits), (to encounter)antreffen
the swab (for a lab test), the smear (for a lab test)der Abstrich
palpable, physical, violent, flagranthandgreiflich
the frenzydie Raserei, der Rausch
disposablewegwerfbar, Einweg-
the bladedie Klinge
the precisiondie Genauigkeit
to be very preciseganz genau nehmen
precision (adj, ex. precision German engineering)feinmechanisch
the uncertaintydie Ungewissheit, die Unsicherheit, die Verunsicherung
to arm (ex. the military)bewaffnen, aufrüsten, rüsten
to bang, to crack, to popknallen
the bangder Knall
the attackder Überfall, der Anschlag, der Anfall
the addition, the supplementder Zusatz
to interceptabfangen
to carry on (ex. the family tradition)weitertragen
the grouchder Muffel (ugs), der Miesepeter (ugs)
quite, thoroughly, throughoutdurchaus
virtually (ie nearly, almost...ex. I was virtually done)nahezu
to discussbesprechen, erörtern, diskutieren
lying around (adj...ex. some lying around debris)herumliegend
by day, during the daytagsüber
to play violingeigen
to exert (ex. power), to wieldausüben
sheer, bareblank
the hallucination, the delusiondie Wahnvorstellung
to objectwidersprechen, einwenden
bottomless (ex. bottomless pit, bottomless drinks)unversieglich
the departure (of a person. Ex. Trump from office)der Weggang, der Abgang
the carriage (ex. horse-drawn)die Kutsche
presidential (ex. presidential library, to act 'presidential')präsidial
the tenet, the policy, the principleder Grundsatz
the alliancedie Verbindung, das Bündnis
the orator, the speakerder Redner, die Rednerin
to call out (sb), to tell off (sb), to read the riot act to (sb)(lit. to read Levites to sb)die Leviten lesen
the envoy (ex. John Kerry as special envoy for the climate)der Gesandter
to subordinate (sth/sb to sth/sb)unterordnen
the baptismdie Taufe
nagging (ex. nagging insecurity), tortuousquälend
the coupder Putsch
the mashed potatoes (singular in German)der Kartoffelstampf
to stamp, to stompstampfen
the stepfatherder Stiefvater
the stepmotherdie Stiefmutter
thus, thereby, in this way, as a resultdadurch
to match, to go togetherzusammenpassen (trennbar)