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level: Level 5

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level questions: Level 5

the German pizzader Flammkuchen
the entrance, the entry, the entering (ex. of the store)das Betreten
the mentee, the protege, the junior partnerder Schützling
the theftder Diebstahl
on the way there (1 word in German)hinwärts
to hijackkapern, entführen
the frictiondie Reibung
to blow one's own horn (4 words in German....lit. to knock on the timpani drum)auf die Pauke hauen
to dab (ex. with a napkin, tapping on the shoulder too!)tupfen
the opera (pl in German!)die Opern (sing. auf Englisch)
to supersede, to oust, to displace, to supplantverdrängen
the flooddie Flut
the camaraderiedie Kameradschaft
the writing (ex. Your writing is clear and concise)das Schreiben
the handwriting, the script, the fontdie Schrift
the pawn shopdas Leihhaus, das Pfandhaus, das Pfandleihhaus
to have no business (ex. You have no business being here)nichts zu suchen haben
the deceptionder Betrug, die Täuschung
to spoof (on a computer)täuschen
to prompt, to induceveranlassen, auffordern, vorsagen
to activate, to start, to get going (ex. a motor), to get started...(3 words in German)in Gang setzen
the connections (i.e. the circle of acquaintances)der Bekanntenkreis
the circle of friendsder Freundeskreis
the soul mateder Seelenfreund, die Seelenfreundin
the doomder Untergang, das Todesurteil, das Verhängnis
fatal, deadlytödlich, verhängnisvoll
disastrousverheerend, katastrophal
to succeed (i.e. to come after someone else)nachfolgen
to disempower (sb), to take away someone's rightsentmachten
the constraintdie Beschränkung, die Einschränkung
to overrule, to outvoteüberstimmen
the consolation, the solace, the comfort (ex. that one gives to another at a funeral)der Trost
to justify (ex. need for a new rule)rechtfertigen, begründen
the shooter (either sports or with a gun)der Schütze
to plant (an informer), to smuggle ineinschleusen
to smuggleschmuggeln, schleusen
the schoolyardder Schulhof, der Pausenhof
the school suppliesdie Schulsachen
self-employedselbständig, selbstständig, freiberuflich
mute, dumb (i.e. doesn't speak), speechless, silentstumm
to highlighthervorheben
the Red Crossdas Rotes Kreuz
the sample (the test)die Probe, die Stichprobe
the rate, the quotadie Quote
to emitausstoßen, abgeben
to lubricateschmieren
to occur, to happenpassieren, sich ereignen, vorfallen (der Vorfall), auftreten (das Auftreten), vorkommen (das Vorkommen), geschehen (das Geschehen)
to encumberbelasten, beschweren
the durabilitydie Haltbarkeit
the pleasant anticipation (which is different from regular anticipation)die Vorfreude
to put up, to set up, to position (ex. a can of tomatoes to run against Trump)aufstellen
the ally (when referring to nations)der Verbündeter, der Alliierter
the expansion (ex. building a new location for the store)die Erweiterung, die Ausdehnung, der Ausbau
to abdicate, (to resign)abdanken
to dismember (ex. a body)zerlegen, zerstückeln
at that timedamals, seinerzeit
to underscoreunterstreichen