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level: level 3

Questions and Answers List

level questions: level 3

equicaloricequal in terms of calories
isochromatichaving the same color
homosexualhaving a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex
homeostasisa property of cells, tissue, and organisms that allows the maintenance and regulation of the stability
heterosexuala person whose sexual orientation is toward people of the opposite sex
macrodactylya condition of abnormally large fingers and toes
microbiologicalthe branch of biology that deals with microorganisms
megalomaniaA psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence.
normothermichaving normal body temperature
orthognathismthe condition of having straight jaws
poikilothermichaving different body temperature
pseudogeneA segment of DNA that resembles a gene but is not functional and usually not transcribed
neocortexThe dorsal region (relating to the back or spinal part of the body) of the cerebral cortex, especially large in primates, thought to have evolved more recently than other parts of the brain
isocellularcomposed of identical cells
homografttissue transplanted to another of the same species
normovolemianormal blood volume
heterogeneouscomposed of different material
equilibriuma state of balance
pseudoreactionfalse response
euthyroidismnormal production of thyroid hormone
regurgitationreturn of partly digested food from the stomach to the mouth/backward flow
poikilodermairregular condition of skin
macroscopiclarge enough to be seen without a microscope
orthoticcorrection deformity
inoperable tumorunable to be removed surgically because of their location in the brain or because there are multiple tumors
tender skinfragile, sensitive, easily bruised skin
subjective reportthe act of an individual describing their own subjective experience, following their introspection on physical or psychological effects under consideration.
premature infanta baby born before 37 completed weeks of gestation
genetic traitrefers to any genetically determined characteristic
hoarse voicebreathy, raspy, strained, voice or there may be changes in volume (loudness) or pitch
intermittentthings that work or stop and start at periodic intervals
defectivedoesn't work properly
meta-, ultra-beyond
detoxifyremove toxins
retroperitonealSituated behind the peritoneum.
hypochondriacA person affected with hypochondria (A psychiatric disorder characterized by excessive concern about having a serious illness)
mesencephalonmiddle portion of the brain
ab-, ad-, dia-, trans-, per-prefixes for directions
prim/i-, mon/o-, uni-, hemi-, semi-, bi-, di-, dipl/o, tri-, quadri-, tetra-, multi-, poly-prefixes for numbers
leuk/o-, cyan/o-, erythr/o-, melan/o-, poli/o-, xanth/o-prefixes for colors
ante-, pre-, pro-, pros-, post-prefixes for time or position
brady-, tachy-, pachy-, mal-, dys-, xero-prefixes for diseases
staphyl/o-, strept/o-prefixes for infectious diseases
circum-, peri-, intra-, extra-, epi-, supra-, infra-, sub-, juxta-, para-, inter-, retro-prefixes for position and direction
in-, im-, un-, non-, a-, an-, anti-, contra-, de-, dis-prefixes for negative
ecto-, ex/o-, dextr/o-, sinisr/o-, end/o-, mes/o-, tel/o-, tel/e-, syn-, sym-, con-prefixes for position
oligo-, pan-, super-, hyper-, hypo-prefixes for degree
equi-, iso-, homo-, homeo-, hetero-, macro-, mega-, megalo-, micro-, eu-, normo-, ortho-, poikilo-, pseudo-, re-, neo-prefixes for size and comparison