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level: level 2

Questions and Answers List

level questions: level 2

metacarpalpertaining to the metacarpus.(the part of the hand between the wrist and fingers, )
subcostalBeneath a rib or the ribs
extracranialOutside of the cranial cavity.
subdural hematomaa collection of blood in the space between the dural and arachnoidal membranes
congenitalOf or relating to a condition that is present at birth, as a result of either heredity or environmental influences
malignantcancerous tumor that spread like fire
retroperitonealbehind the peritoneum
polyphagiaexcessive eating
dysplasiaabnormal development in numbers
subscapularbelow the scapula.
ectopican organ located away from normal position.
atrophydecrease in size of a normally developed organ or tissue
intrauterinewithin the uterus
percolateTo allow a liquid to seep through a powdered substance (porous substance)
dialysisthe diffusion of solute molecules
adherestay attached (stick )
primitive, primaryoccurring first in time or sequence
monoculara microscope with one lens
semilunarshaped like a half moon
bipolarhaving two poles
diatomichaving two atoms
diplopicpertaining to double vision
tripodhaving three legs
tetradfour components
diploidan organism that has one atom
polyneuropathydisease of many nerves
monoatomican element that has one atom
unifymake two or more in one parts
semisolidhalf solid
leukoplakiahaving white patches in the mouth
cyanosisbluish discoloration of the skin
melaninthe dark pigment that colors the hair and skin
poliomyelitisinflammation of the gray matter of the brain
xanthodermayellow coloration of the skin
xanthomais a deposition of yellowish cholesterol-rich material that can appear anywhere in the body
melanocytea cell producing or containing melanin
antepartumbefore birth
premenstrualperiod before mensuration
prophasefirst stage of cell division
prosthesisartificial limb added to the bone
postmortemafter death
projectileAny (usually) inanimate flying object capable of causing tissue injury or bodily harm (protruding forward )
antefebrilePreceding a fever.
postmenopauseThe phase of a woman's life that begins 1 year after her final menstrual period.
prematureborn or interrupted before the state of maturity; occurring before the proper time.
bradygastriadecreased rate of pacemaker activity in stomach
dystrophypoor development
xeromaexcessive dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva
tachyphasiaextreme rapidity of speech
tachyphreniaabnormally rapid mental activity
staphylococcusround bacteria that form clusters
streptobacillusa rod-shaped bacterium that forms chains
circumcisioncircular cut
intravenouswithin the vein
extrahepaticoutside the liver
epidermisabove the skin
supra-abdominalabove the abdomen
infrascapularbelow the shoulder blades
subpatellarbelow the kneecap
juxtapositiona location near another structure
parathyroid glandnear the thyroid gland
interstitialrelating or situated in the small, narrow spaces between tissue or parts of organ
retrogastricbehind the stomach
insignificanthaving no importance
impermeablenot allowing a fluid to pass through
unconsciousnot aware of one's surroundings
nonhumannot appropriate to human beings
antigenA substance that stimulates the production of an antibody when introduced into the body
contraindicatedagainst recommendation
decongestanta medication or treatment that decreases congestion as of the sinuses
disinfectto cleanse so as to destroy or prevent the growth of disease-carrying microorganism
ectocardiaoutside the heart
exophthalmos(graves disease ) protrusion of the eyeball to the outside
dextrogastriadisplacement of the stomach to the right
sinistromanualleft handed
endometrialwithin the uterus
mesodermmiddle layer of a developing embryo
telophaselast stage of cell division
syndromegroup of signs and symptoms that occur together
symbiosistwo dissimilar organisms living together
congenitalirregularity present at birth
noncontributoryan insurer has agreed not to seek its independent right to contribution when two or more insurers apply to the same accident for the same insured.
uncoordinatedLacking physical or mental coordination.
decalcifyTo lose calcium or calcium compounds.
incompatibleopposed in nature or quality
antidoteA remedy or other agent used to neutralize or counteract the effects of a poison
dissectTo cut apart or separate (tissue), especially for anatomical study
contraceptionbirth control by the use of devices or drugs or surgery
anhydrousNot containing water
amnesiaPartial or total loss of memory
immoralviolating moral principles
endotoxinA toxin produced by certain bacteria and released upon destruction of the bacterial cell
exogenousa disease Originating or produced from outside a cell, tissue, or organism
sympatheticof or relating to the division of the autonomic nervous system that acts in opposition to the parasympathetic system accelerating the heartbeat
synapsejunctions between two nerve cells
oligodontialess than the normal number of teeth
supernumeraryin excess number
superscriptsomething written above