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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

the owlla lechuza
the beela abeja
the mooseel alce
the clamla almeja
the squirrella ardilla
the whalela ballena
the horseel caballo
the goatla cabra
the squidel calamar
the beaverel castor
the pigel cerdo
the rattlesnakeel crótalo
the dolphinel delfín
the starfishla estrella de mar
the sealla foca
the lobsterla langosta
the wolfel lobo
the raccoonel mapache
the jellyfishla medusa
the musselel mejillón
the batel murciélago
the bearel oso
the fishel pez
the octopusel pulpo
the sharkel tiburón
the troutla trucha
the badgerel tejón
the bassel róbalo
the hamsterel hámster
the hummingbirdel colibrí
the tigerel tigre
the lionel león
the slothel perezoso
the anteaterel oso hormiguero
the antla hormiga
the scorpionel alacrán
the ferretel hurón
the penguinel pingüino
the deerel venado
the bottlenose dolphinel delfín mular
the armadilloel quirquincho
the eella anguila
the mustang horseel caballo mesteño
the marela yegua
the slugla babosa
the sea turtlela tortuga marina
the snailel caracol
the zebrala cebra
the crowel cuervo
the gooseel ganso
the dragonflyla libélula
the ramel carnero
the hedgehogel erizo
the grouseel urogallo
the camelel camello
the gazellela gacela
the hoofla pezuña
the caterpillarla oruga
the oxel buey
the weasella comadreja
the harela liebre
the bearded vultureel quebrantahuesos