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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

the dawnel amanecer
the sunsetel atardecer
the ravinela barranca
the forestel bosque
the islandla isla
the landslideel derrumbe
the canyonel cañón
to pourdiluviar
the rootla raíz
the branchla rama
perennial, evergreenperenne
the mountainsla sierra
the frostla escarcha
the rock facela pared de roca
the creekel riachuelo
the earthla tierra
the hillla loma
the woodla madera
the leafla hoja
the basinla cuenca
the summitla cima
the valleyel valle
to pass bydiscurrir
the speciesla especie
the wildlifela vida salvaje
to shinebrillar
to sproutbrotar
the lilyel lirio
the homeel hogar
the breezela brisa
the pastureel pasto
the cattleel ganado
the foliageel follaje
the barkla corteza
the waterfallla catarata
the walkel recorrido
the trailel sendero
the mushroomla seta
the chestnut treeel castaño
the hedgeel seto
the groveel bosquecillo
the orange groveel naranjal
the meadowel prado
the fangel colmillo
to flutterrevolotear
the beechel haya
the sparkla chispa
the gillla agalla
the crackel resquicio
the beastla fiera
the coconut treeel cocotero
the crownla copa
the flower budel capullo
the cutting downla tala
the banana bushla mata de plátano
the cropel cultivo
to harvestcosechar
the clusterel racimo
the poplarel álamo
the mapleel arce
the pineel pino
the oakel roble
the almond treeel almendro
the greenhouseel invernadero
the fungusel hongo
to blossomflorecer
the ashel fresno
the puddleel charco
the apple treeel manzano
the ribbonla cenefa
the buttercupel botón de oro
the stemel tallo
the mistletoeel muérdago
the radishel rábano
the daisyla margarita
the emberslas brasas
the fernel helecho
the walnut treeel nogal
the olive treeel olivo
the holm oakla encina
the strawberry treeel madroño
the fan palmel palmito
the acornla bellota
the mirageel espejismo
the baitel cebo
the countrysidela campiña
the packla manada
the sunflowerel girasol
the poppyla amapola
the honeysucklela madreselva
the nettlela ortiga
the limestonela piedra caliza
the gorgeel desfiladero
the twigla ramita
the rubblelos escombros