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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

the bayla bahía
port sidebanda de babor
starboard sidebanda de estribor
the boatel barco
the shipel buque
the cove, the holdla cala
the sea shellla concha del mar
cruise shipel crucero
the dockla dársena
the tidela marea
the mastel mástil
to sailnavegar
fishing boatel pesquero
catch (of fish)la pesca
seashorela orilla
squallla turbonada
to covertapar
the wharfel muelle
the cloudla nube
the mistla neblina
the sailboatel velero
the sailorel marinero
the deck (of boat)la cubierta
the bow (of boat)la proa
lifevestslas salvavidas
the boom (of boat)la botavara
the jibel foque
the mainsailla vela mayor
to rockmecerse
the shipwreckel naufragio
the castawayel náufrago
the raftla balsa
the wavela ola
the capeel cabo
the crewla tripulación
the cabinel camarote
the hammockla hamaca
the holeel agujero
scurvyel escorbuto
the drunkennessla embriaguez
the barrelel barril
land in sighttierra a la vista
the treasureel tesoro
the merchant shipel barco mercantil
the diverel buceador
to scuba divebucear
the aquariumel acuario
the fish tankel tanque de peces
the blowfishel pez globo
to inflateinflarse
the riggingla arboladura
the gulfweedel sargazo
to cast anchorfondear
the lobsterel bogavante
the pincerla pinza
the trenchla fosa
the flying fishel volador
the seahorseel caballito de mar
the small covela caleta
the straw basketla canasta de paja
the shipyardel astillero
the launchingla botadura
the hullel casco
to sinkhundir
to batterazotar
to divezambullirse
to splashsalpicar
the clown fishel pez payaso
the school (of fish)el banco
the humpback whalela ballena jorobada
the hammerhead sharkel tiburón martillo
the yellow tang fishel pez cirujano amarillo
the mako sharkel marrajo
the buoyla boya
the galleonel galeón
the mutineerel amotinado
the courseel rumbo
to rowremar
the whaling shipla ballenera
the undercurrentla resaca
the codel bacalao
the deep-sea diverel buceador de profundidad
the anglerfishel rape
the blobfishel pez borrón
the sunfishel pez luna
the coastal tradeel cabotaje
the salt waterla agua salada
the trawlerel arrastrero
the scallopla vieira
the crabel cangrejo
the barnacleel percebe
the spider crabla centolla
the privateerel corsario
the shallowsel bajío
the fishing trapla nasa de pescar
the tunael atún
the loggerhead sea turtlela tortuga boba
the sea snailla caracola
the coastel litoral
the sea breamla dorada
the rudderel timón
the cringleel grillete de vela
the little boatel chinchorro
downwinda favor del viento
the gunwhalela regala
to furlaferrar
the riggingel aparejo
the cranela grúa
the containerel contenedor
the freighterel carguero
the dockerel estibador
the currentel corriente
to offloaddesembarcar
the plundererel saqueador
to slice throughhender