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level: Lesson 13

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Lesson 13

abateto reduce in an amount, degree, or intensity
alliancea close association of nations formed to advance common interests
annihilateto destroy completely
assistancean act or instance of giving what will benefit or aid
candorfrankness or sincerity of expression
cataracta large waterfall or a deluge; clouding of the lens of the eye
chagrina feeling of disappointment, humiliation, embarrassment, etc.; caused by failure of some kind
consternationa state of dismay, confusion, and helplessness
contraryopposite the desired direction; adverse
conveyaccompany or escort for protective purposes
delugea heavy downpour
demona devil or evil spirit; person with great energy or skill, as "he's a demon at golf"
destinationthe place to which one is going
embarkboard a vessel or craft
excavationthe act of exposing or uncovering by digging
fatalcausing ruin or destruction; disastrous
fatiguephysical or mental weariness due to exertion
fraya heated dispute; brawl
furlougha leave of absence, especially one granted to one in the armed forces
hypnotictending to induce sleep
hypocriticalcharacterized with professing virtues, qualities, or attitudes that one does not hold or possess
inciteto aid or promote the activity or development of