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level: Plants: Structure & Function, Organic Compounds

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Plants: Structure & Function, Organic Compounds

What is a Vascular Plant?It is a plant that has elongated strands, specialised cells that transport water and dissolve nutrients and other strands that transport carbohydrates.
What do roots do?Roots absorb water and nutrients that send them to different parts of the plant, they provide a good grip for the stem of the plant and some plants store the food in their roots like carrots and potatoes.
What is a Primary Root?This is the first root of any plant.
What is the Lateral Root?The lateral root system is most plants move out horizontally from the main taproot and serves as the anchor for the plant. They also intake water and nutrients from the soil.
What does a Plant Stem do?The plant stem is to provide water and nutrients to the leaves where photosynthesis and be taken place and then to transport these products from the leaves into other parts of the plant like the roots.
What are Flowers?Flowers are formed when plants mature, they are colourful and fragrant, they are important for plant reproduction and also make the seeds and fruits of the plant.
What are Fruits?Fruits are made when the female part of the flower is pollinated, they are also the part of the plant that holds the seeds. Fruits also help to grow the plants in different places.
What 4 organic compounds are found in plants?Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen
Why are carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis important for plants?The provide building block for plants structural support and they are also the main source of energy for the plant.
Why is Cellulose important for plants.Cellulose is the output of photosynthesis and is important as it makes up the tough cell walls that makes up the plants stem, leaves and branches. Cellulose makes these things strong.
Why are lipids important for plants?They are essential as they provide energy for there metabolic processes and are structural components for membranes.
Why are Nucleic Acids so important for plants?They are so important because they serve as information storage devices for the cell.