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level: Cell Theory Reproduction

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Cell Theory Reproduction

How do Prokaryotic cells reproduce?They reproduce through there process called Binary Fission.
What is the process of Binary Fission?This is the reproduction of Prokaryotic cells. It is when the chromosomes in the DNA attach to the plasma membrane and the chromosomes duplicate and the plasma membrane grows apart forming two new sells with full genetic material.
What does the process of Binary Fission produce?Two new daughter cells.
What are the advantages of Binary Fission?Offspring can be rapidly reproduced, do not need a mate and does not require mobility.
What are the Disadvantages of Binary Fission?They are all made up of the same genetic material, they will have inheritance issues and they can become extinct quickly because they share the same genetics.
How do Eukaryotic Cells Reproduce?They reproduce though mitosis and meiosis.
What is the process of Mitosis?The process of mitosis is the doubling of chromosomes, then the separation of the chromosomes and then the movement to opposite ends of the cell and then the final separation creating two new daughter cells.
What is the process of Meiosis?This is a two step process. First the non identical chromosomes are separated and then the identical chromosomes are separated creating 4 new daughter cells.
What is the main difference between Mitosis and Meiosis?Mitosis creates 2 identical daughter cells to the parents and meiosis creates 4 unique daughter cells different to the parents.
What are the advantages of Sexual Reproduction?Creates a different organisms every time, had a better chance of survival and can remove bad genes.
What are the disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction?Requires two parents, takes time and energy and fewer offspring are produced.