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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

Jelly like substance in which elements such as protein, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and water are present.protoplasm
What are the three parts of a cell?nucleus, organelle (cytoplasm) and cell membrane
What is the center of the cell called?nucleus
Protoplasm of a cell except that found in the nucleuscytoplasm
Process of cell reproduction when the cell divides into two identical cells called daughter cellsmitosis
What favorable conditions are needed for mitosis?supply of food water and oxygen
Chemical process where body cells are nourished and supplied with energymetabolism
To build up larger molecules from smaller onesanabolism
Process of breaking down complex compounds within the cell into smaller onesCatabolism
Fat tissue that gives smoothness and contour to the bodyAdipose tissue
A collection of similar cells to perform a particular functiontissue
During this process, energy can be storedAnabolism
Protective covering on the body surfaceEpithelial tissue
Carries messages to and from the brainnerve tissue
Supports, protects and binds together other tissues of the bodyconnective tissue
Structure of the body designed to perform specific functionsorgans
Group of organs working together to perform functionssystems
Another name for the skeletal systembones
How many bones are in the cranium8
Another name for the circulatory systemblood supply
Includes the intestines and stomachdigestive system
Bone that forms the foreheadfrontal bone
Forms the top and sides of the craniumparietal
Bones of the upper jawmaxillary
Bones on side of head and ear regionTemporal
The study of nature, structure, function and disease of the musclesMyology
Parts of the muscleorigin, belly, insertion
Covers the top of the skullEpicranius
Another name for voluntary musclesStriated
Lower jawmandible
Tendon connecting the occipitalis and the frontalisEpicranial Aponeurosis
Muscle for chewingMasseter
Front portion of the epicraniusFrontalis
Muscle that draws the eyebrows down and wrinkles the foreheadcorrugator
Muscular tissue can be stimulated by:massage, electric, light. heat, moisture, nerve impulses and chemical
enables the eye to closeOrbicularis oculi
Broad muscle extended from chest and shoulder muscle to the side of the chinPlatysma
Large, triangular muscle covering the shoulder jointdeltoid
Muscle that produces the contour of the front and inner side of the upper armBicep
Rotates hand, palm upwardSupinator
Straightens the wrist and hand and finger to form a straight lineextensors
Muscles located at the base of each finger that separate the fingersabductors
Assist in swinging of the armpecoralis
Amount of blood in the human body8-10 pints
What type of tissue is bloodliquid
This artery is also known as external maxillary arteryFacial artery
Connects peripheral parts of the body to the central nervous systemPNS - Peripheral nervous system
Primary structural unit of the nervous systemneuron
How many pairs of spinal nerves are extending from the spinal column31
Hormones affecting the skin functionsestrogen and testosterone
Largest cranial nervesFifth ceranial nerve
Fifth coranial nerve is also known astrifacial or trigeminal
How many bones are in the hand?14
Contracts or wrinkles the lipsorbicularis oris
Which is the main artery that supplies blood to the head, face and neckcommon, internal, facial, submental, inferior, angular, superior and superficial temporal
Which veins return blood to the heart from the head, face and neckinternal and external jugular
Functions of lymphatic systemdefense against bacteria, removes waste, reducing swelling, inflammation and accumulation in blood vessels
2 types of glandsexocrine and endocrine
How many cranial nerves are at the base of the brain?12
What nerve carries impulses from the sense organs to the brainSensory nerve or afferent nerve
3 nerves estheticians need to be worried aboutfive, seven and eleven
Study of the structure of the human body that can be seen by the naked eyeanatomy
Primal functions of the skeleton systemgive shape, attach muscles, produce red and white blood cells, store most of the body's calcium
Form the prominence of the cheek boneszygomatic
An elastic boney cage that serves as a protective frameworkthorax
Bones of the fingersphilanges
Organ that controls the vision in humanseyes
What part of the muscle in movableInsertion
Major organ that supplies oxygen to the bloodlungs
Protective organ covering the bodyskin
Middle part of a musclebelly
Uppermost and largest bone in the armHumerous
Another name of the circulatory systemblood supply
Changes food and nutrients into wasteDigestive system
What is inside the nucleusDNA and nucleoplasm
Encloses the protoplasm and permits soluble substances to enter and leavecell membrane
What muscle controls the motion of the neck and shoulderseleven
Thick walled, muscular flexible tubes that carry blood away from the heartArteries
Supplies nutrients and water to skin cellsblood and lymph
What gives blood its red colorhemoglobin
What is hemoglobin found inred blood cells
What is the body's pump and is part of the circulatory systemheart
Aids in blood clottingPlatelets
What are the 3 main subdivisions of the nervous systemcentral, peripheral and autonomic
Muscles of the neckplatysma and sternocleidomastoid
Controls the eyebrowscorrigator and orbicularis oculi
Muscles that attach the arm to the bodyLatissimus dorsi, pectoralis major & minor, serratus anterior
Controls consciousness and activities, contains the brain and spinal columnCNS - central nervous system
The study of the structure, function and pathology of the nervous systemneurology
Chief motor nerve of the face#7
Heartbeat is regulated by?vegus
White blood cells are also known as:leukocytes, white corpuscles
Microscopic anatomyHistology
Sweat and oil glands are part of what?exocrine
Definition of PhysiologyStudy of functions and activities performed by the body structure
Definition of the diaphragmhelps control breathing
The heart has how many chambers4
The fifth cranial nerve is also know as:trifacial or trigeminal
What is also known as the collorboneclavicle
Muscle that attach the arm to the bodyLatissimus dorsi, pectoralis major and minor and serratus anterior