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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

The inner region of an organ or structureMedulla
Cells reproduce in a process of duplication and divisionMitosis
Orientated toward or near the mid-line of the bodyMadial
Body cavity containing thoracic and abdominopelvic subdivisionsVentral
Synonymous with posterior kneePopliteal
Synonymous with forearmAntibrachial
Gel-like intracellular fluidCytoplasm -
Presents four points of direction: Head end - Cranial Tail end - Caudal Belly side - Ventral Back side - Dorsal *Animals only - not humansQuadruped
Synonymous with armpitAxillary
Synonymous with ribsCostal
Tendency of the body’s internal environment to remain relatively constant with a narrow range of changeHomeostasis
Study of diseasePathology
Movement of the H2O and molecules across a cell membrane as a result of pressureFiltration
Name the three types of muscle tissueSmooth Cardiac Skeletal
Located on the back of a structure *can be referred to as eitherPosterior or Dorsal
Situated above or toward the head endSuperior
Name the three types of cartilagesHyaline Fibrocartilage Elastic
Groups of similar cells that act together to perform specific functionsTissues
Tissue located in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves and interprets sensory information and coordinates bodily process - excitability and conductivityNervous tissue
The cell’s “control center” because it directs most metabolic activities including growth and reproductionNucleus
Located on the left side of the subject’s body or structureLeft
On the body referring to the upper cheeZygomatic
Located nearer to the point of reference, usually toward the trunk of the bodProximal
Body plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior sectionFrontal
Standing up with palms forward and toes forwardAnatomic Position
Study of the human body and their positional relationships to one anotherAnatomy
Connective tissue type that serves as storage for surplus food and insulation to conserve body heatAdipose
Movement of H2O across a membrane from area of low to high concentration to equalize fluid concentration of both sides of membraneOsmosis
Flattened membrane lined sacs that bud off smell vesicles from the edges of the complex collects/packages secretions for use or exportGolgi complex
“Little organs” collection of membrane - bound functional structures in the cell.Cell organelles
Cell’s “power plants” most chemical reactions involved in cellular respiration to produce ATP occur hereMitochondria
Organelle that breaks down unneeded proteins and pathogens by engulfing and destroying them using digestive enzymesLysosomes
Smallest structural and functional unit that can exist as a self-sustaining entityCell
Movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to low concentration to equalize concentrationDiffusion
Embryologic tissue layers that give rise to structures of the nervous system including special senses and epidermis of the skinEctoderm
Directional term meaning the opposite side of the bodyContralateral
What are the two layers found in most serous membraneParietal and visceral
Located farther from the point of reference, usually away from the trunk of the bodyDistal
Refers to a beak-like structure in the front of the head or brain that projects forwardRostral
Type of cartilage that covers the articulating surfaces of bones and connects the ribs to the sternumHyaline
Tissues that line or cover and external and internal body structuresEpithelium
Space within a hollow or tubular structure such as an artery or intestineLumen
Relative to the outside or external surface of a structureSuperficial
Membrane that lines cavities or spaces between bones and jointsSynovial membrane
Body plane that divides the body into superior and inferior sectionsTransverse
Membranes that line closed body cavitiesSerous membranes
Midline longitudinal plane dividing the head and torso into right and left halvesMedian plane
Study of how the body and its individual parts function in normal processesPhysiology
Connective tissue found between vertebrae and in the kneeFibrocartilage
Tissue that forms framework for organs and glands and provides transportation and defensive functionsConnective
Oriented farther away from the midline of the bodyLateral
Located on the front side of a structureAnterior
Fluid found in extracellular spaces between tissuesinterstitial
Related to opposite sides of the bodyContralateral
Type of membrane that lines open body cavitiesMucous
Hollow space within a larger structureCavity
Relative to or situated within the bodyDeep
Oriented toward or near the midline of the bodyMedial
Directional term meaning nearer to the point of reference, usually toward the trunk of the bodyProximal
Related to the same side of the bodyIpsilateral or Homolateral
Situated below or toward the tail enInferior
Chemicals, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organismsHow the body is organized from least complex to most complex
Located on the right side of the subject’s body or structureRight
Prefix meaning within or insideEndo-