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level: Beta Blockers

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Beta Blockers

Non-selective, first generation beta blockersPropranolol, Nadolol, Timolol
Non-selective, third generation beta blockersLabetalol, Carvedilol, Carteolol
Selective, second generation B1 blockersMetoprolol, Atenolol, Esmolol
Selective, third generation B1 blockersNebivolol, Betaxolol, Celiprolol
Beta blockers with intrinsic sympathetic activityPindolol, Acebutolol, Bucindolol
Beta blockers with membrane stabilizing activityPropranolol, Carvedilol, Acebutolol
Drugs that produce both alpha and beta blockadeCarvedilol, Labetalol, Bucindolol
Which beta blocker has little to no effect on plasma renin activity?Pindolol
Which beta blockers induce peripheral vasodilation?Nenbivolol, CeriprololNebivolol, Celiprolol, Labetalol
Which beta blockers induce NO production?Nebivolol, Celiprolol, Labetalol
Which beta blocker has antioxidant activity?Carvedilol
Which beta blocker will only exhibit MSA at higher doses?Metoprolol
Which beta blockers are highly lipophilic?Propranolol, Penbutolol
Which beta blockers are highly hydrophilic?Nadolol, Atenolol, Esmolol
Beta blockers generally have long half lives. Which drug is an exception to this?Esmolol
Which beta blocker is excreted unchanged in urine?Nadolol
Which beta bocker has an active metabolite in the liver?Nebivolol
Which beta blockers are extensively metabolized by the liver?Propranolol, Metoprolol
Which beta blockers are not metabolized by the liver?Nadolol, Carteolol
Which beta blockers are slightly metabolized by the liver?Atenolol, Pindolol
Adverse effect of beta blockers on the respiratory systemBronchoconstriction
Beta blockers generally delay the recovery from insulin-induced hypoglycemia and blocks glucagon secretion. Which receptor should be targetted to reduce this risk?B1
Which B1 blocker may improve serum lipid profile of dyslipidemic patients?Nebivolol
Which non-selective beta blockers are used to treat ocular HPN and glaucoma?Timolol, Levobunolol, Carteolol, Metipranolol
Which B1 selective beta blockers are used to treat ocular HPN and glaucoma?Betaxolol, Levobetaxolol
Which non-selective beta blocker has an off-label use for generalized anxiety disorder or stage fright?Propranolol
Which non-selectie beta blockers are for migraine prophylaxis?Propranolol, Nadolol
Which non-selective beta blocker does not have ISA but has low MSA?Pindolol
Which B1 selective beta blockers are used for migraine prophylaxis?Metoprolol
Which B1 selective blocker has litte interindividual variation because it is not extensively metabolized by the liver?Atenolol
Which B1 selective blocker is metabolized by RBC esterases?Esmolol
Which B1 selective blocker decreases PVR, in contrast to older beta blockers?Nebivolol
Which is the most highly selective B1 blocker?Nebivolol
Which B1 selective blocker may increase insulin sensitivity?Nebivolol
Which mixed alpha and beta blocker inhibits the NET of NE like cocaine?Labetalol
Which mixed alpha and beta blocker will have its bioavailability increased with food intake?Labetalol
Which mixed alpha and beta blocker is used for HPN emergencies, HPN of pheochromocytoma, and chronic HPN during pregnancy?Labetalol
Which mixed alpha and beta blocker reduces MI mortality during conventional therapy?Carvedilol
Which mixed alpha and beta blocker is highly protein-bound and is given orally?Bucindolol
Which mixed alpha and beta blocker increased plasma HDL has no effect on TAGs?Bucindolol
Which drugs, when taken with beta blockers decrease the absorption of beta blockers?Aluminum salts, cholestyramine
Which drugs, when taken with beta blockers decrease plasma concentration of beta blockers?Phenytoin, Rifampicin, Phenobarbital, Smoking
Which drugs, when taken with beta blockers lead to higher VA of propranolol and metoprolol?Cimetidine, Hydralazine
Which drugs, when taken with beta blockers, impair the drug's clearance?Lidocaine
Which beta blocker is used for the treatment of supraventricular arrhythmias?Esmolol
Which beta blockers are used for the treatment of CHF?Bisoprolol, Carvedilol, Metoprolol, Nebivolol