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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

Main organ of the Circulatory system and circulates blood around the bodyHeart
either of two saclike respiratory organs in the chest of vertebrates; serves to remove carbon dioxide and provide oxygen to the bloodLung
The microscopic, living building unit of which all living things comprised of.Cells
A group of cells with the same structure and function.Tissue
A group of different tissues that work together to perform a certain function.Organs
Any living thing that mantains vital life processes.Orgaism
A group of organs that work together to do a job for the body.Organ System
The 206 bones of the human body and the tissues that connect them. The skeletal system gives your body its structure, shape and provides protection for the internal, delicate and vital organs.Skeletal system
The blood, blood vessels and the heart. This system is responsible for transporting nutrients, eliminating waste and maintaining the health of every cell.Circulatory system
The mouth, stomach and intestines. This system is responsible for breaking down the food we eat into particles that are small enough for the cells to take in.Digestive system
The organ system,including the kidneys and bladder, that removes waste materials from the blood.Excretory system
The organs that are responsible for controlling the entire body (the brain, nerves, spinal cord) and the sense organs that help us learn what is going on around us (ears, eyes, nose, tongue, and skin).Nervous System
The system that allows the body to move and produces heat to keep it warm.Some muscles are attached to bones and can be moved voluntarily while others, like the heart moves involuntarily.. Muscular system
Special chemicals made by the endocrine system to help the body to grow and develop.. Hormones
The organs, glands, and other structures that allow an organism to produce offspring.Reproductive system
The organ system, including the lungs, that exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the enviroment.Respiratory System
How the body functionsPhysiology
The structure of the bodyAnatomy
Epithelial tissue, muscle tissue, connective tissue, nervous tissue.Types of tissue in your body
The mouth, stomach and intestines. This system is responsible for breaking down the food we eat into particles that are small enough for the cells to take in.Digestive System