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level: Systemic Diseases w/ Musculoskeletal Manifestations - Lecture 12

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Systemic Diseases w/ Musculoskeletal Manifestations - Lecture 12

What is Acromegaly?Acromegaly is the result of excessive production of growth hormone which stimulates proliferation of cartilage, periarticular connective tissue, and bone, resulting in several musculoskeletal problems.
What is hemachromatosis?An iron-storage blood disorder.
What is "arthropathy"?"Arthropathy" means any disease of the joints, and is sometimes used by doctors interchangeably with certain arthritises.
What does arthropathy look like in patients with hemachromatosis (what ares the afflicted joints)?• The second and third metacarpophalangeal joints of both hands are often the first and prominent joints affected. Theses joints are enlarged and tender. Later effects knees, ankles, hips and shoulders.
True or false: Joint cavity bleeds are more common in hemophiliacs than in normal people.True. Spontaneous hemarthrosis (joint cavity bleeding) is a common problem with hemophilia and can lead to a deforming arthritis
True or false: A hemarthrosis in a hemophiliac is temporary.True. The joint bleeds (hemarthrosis) are reabsorbed into the body in about 2 weeks.
True or false: Blood hemorrhage into a closed compartment space, such as the calf or volar compartment in the forearm, can result in muscle necrosis, but in hemophilliacs, there is less worry.False. This was a trickily-worded question to make sure you're paying attention. ANY bleeding is a bigger threat to hemophilliacs than those without the disease.
True or False: If a hemophiliac has hemarthrosis, and the joint is in contracture (forced contraction of the muscle) , it should be gradually put into a state of gentile extension to prevent permanent contracture.True; generally this is true for everyone, unless advised by a medical doctor.
What is Sickle cell dactylitis also known as?Hand-foot disease
What is Sickle Cell Disease?an inherited red blood cell disorder in which there aren't enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body.
What is Sickle cell dactylitis or hand-foot syndrome and what does it look like?A disorder typically found in children under age 5. It is a result of necrosis of the bone marrow in the hands and feet, which is characterized by swelling and warmth in the feet and hands. *** There are typically NO lasting deformities.
Name two resulting conditions that stem from sickle cell disease- Osteomyelitis - Joint inflammation - Avascular necrosis (in 5% of patients. It also occurs in the humeral head, distal femur, tibial condyles and vertebral bodies) - Septic arthritis
What is Thalassemia?Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder that causes your body to have less hemoglobin (a protein in red blood cells) than normal.
What is the main complaint from Thalassemia sufferers?Joint pain/arthropathy, particularly in the ankles, wrists and elbows.
What is hypercholesterolemia?High cholesterol.
In patients with hypercholestrolemia, can attacks of tendinitis occur following treatment with a lipid-lowering drug happen?Yes. They can also be pre-existing, if the patient is also obese.
Neuropathic joint disease (Charcot's joint) is usually caused by what disease?Diabetes mellitus
What is Neuropathic joint disease (Charcot's joint)?is a progressive, destructive arthritis associated with loss of pain sensation, proprioception, or both. Also causes joint deformity via frequent damage. Usually found in tarsal joints. Shares some pathologic changes to osteoarthritis. *Proprioception: how we perceive the position and movement of our body.
What TYPE of artheritis shares some pathologic changes with Charcot's Joint?OA; Osteoartheritis.
Where is Charcot's joint most common?Feet (tarsals)
What characterizes Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (HOA)?Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (HOA) is characterized by clubbing of digits (and, in more advanced stages, by periosteal new bone formation and synovial effusions)
The condition known previously as "Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome" is now called....?Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
What is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome? Is it only neurological?CRPS is a disorder that causes lasting pain, usually in an arm or leg, and it shows up after an injury, stroke, or even heart attack. But the severity of pain is typically worse than the original injury itself. NOT only neurological, as it does have measurable symptoms: pain and swelling, usually of a distalextremity, accompanied by vasomotor instability, trophic skin changes, and the rapid development of bony demineralization.
In what major way is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome different than Fibromyalgia? Name 1.CRPS has physically measurable effects, such as swelling, bone demineralization, trophic skin changes, vasomotor* instability. (*Vasomotor refers to actions upon a blood vessel which alter its diameter.).
What is Tietze syndrome?Tietze syndrome is a rare, inflammatory disorder characterized by chest pain and swelling of the cartilage of one or more of the upper ribs (costochondral junction), specifically where the ribs attach to the breastbone (sternum).
What is another name for Tietze Syndrome? *** Some practitioners restrict its usage to pain of the costochondral articulations WITHOUT swelling.Costochondritis
What characterizes Myofascial Pain Syndrome?It is characterized by multiple areas of localized musculoskeletal pain and tenderness in association with tender points. Palpation of tender points will elicit pain.
What might cause Myofascial Pain Syndrome?Trauma or static overuse (i.e working at a computer)
______ ______ leukemia - a peculiar tendency to cause episodic inflammatory oligoarthritis and tenosynovitis; these episodes are dramatic and mimic acute gout attacks.Hairy Cell
________ is new, uncontrolled growth of cells that is not under physiologic control. A "tumor" or "mass lesion" is simply a "growth" or "enlargement" which may not be neoplastic (such as a granuloma). The term "cancer" implies malignancy, but neoplasms can be subclassified as either benign or malignant.Neoplasia
Acute ________ in children can mimic juvenile inflammatory arthritis with severe joint pain and feverleukemias
What is Carcinoma?Cancerous growths coming from the epithelial tissue of the skin OR of the lining of the internal organs