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Year 10 Biology GCSE Mock Revision - Cells

In Inglés

Creado por:
Daniel McT

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What is the nucleus?

The nucleus controls the cell and contains DNA.

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Year 10 Biology GCSE Mock Revision - Cells - Detalles



16 preguntas
What is the nucleus?
The nucleus controls the cell and contains DNA.
What is the Cell Membrane?
The cell membrane controls what passage of substance goes in and out of a cell
What is the cell wall?
The cell wall provides structural support to the cell
What is Mitochondria?
Mitochondria is where energy is released in respiration
What is the Vacuole?
The Vacuole is the place that holds sap to help keep the cell turgid
What are Ribosomes?
Ribosomes is where protein synthesis occurs
In which cells, are Ribosomes found?
Animal, Plant and Bacteria
What are Chloroplasts?
Chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis - they absorb light energy for photosynthesis
What is Cytoplasm?
Where most chemical reactions take place
In which cells, is Cytoplasm found?
Animal, Plant and Bacteria