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Topic 1 Key Concept of Biology - Cells

In Inglés

Creado por:
Daniel McT

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What is the contained in the nucleus?

Contains DNA/Genetic material arranged in chromosomes

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Topic 1 Key Concept of Biology - Cells - Detalles



12 preguntas
What is the contained in the nucleus?
Contains DNA/Genetic material arranged in chromosomes
What is the function of DNA?
Controls cell activities and the synthesis of proteins
Describe the difference between a Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cell?
Eukaryotic Cells have a nucleus prokaryotic cells don't
How do bacterial cells differ from plant and animal cell?
No nucleus, plasmid DNA, may have a flagellum
What is a specialised cell?
They have 1 job only
How is an egg cell specialised for its function?
Egg cells are packed with nutrients to feed the embryo, it also has a haploid nucleus
How is an sperm cell specialised for its function?
Sperm Cells have a haploid nucleus, a tail for swimming, extra mitochondria for the tail and acrosome in the head containing enzymes to break into the egg cell
Why are ciliated cells specialised?
They have tiny hairs on the surface that beat to move substances in the body such as mucus in the lungs
What is a stem cell?
A cell that can develop into any type of cell
Where do we find stem cells in humans and plants?
Humans: Embryos and bone marrow Plants: Meristem