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Systems 1b Practical Anatomy- Body Functions

In Inglés
Systems 1b Practical Anatomy- Body Functions

Creado por:
Fergus Wood

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non-fleshy fibrous, dense regular connective tissue

Structure of tendon

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40 preguntas
Wasting of muscle
Muscle atrophy
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Structure of muscle compartments
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Name all of the abdominal muscles
Very striated, nucleus on peripheral
Skeletal muscle structure
Damaged nerves in the posterior forearm muscle
What damaged muscle causes wrist drop
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Name the different parts of the somatic nerve arc and if they are sensory/motor/mixed
Ventral and dorsal rami
What do the mixed spinal nerves divide into?
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The dermatomes of the arm and neck
Sternomanubrial joint
What occurs in the midline of the trunk at dermatome T2?
What surface features of the body are found at dermatome T4?
What surface features of the body marks the dermatome T10?
In what region of the body is the dermatome of L1 found?
What surrounds individual axons?
What surrounds nerve fasicles?
What surrounds a nerve?