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Science Term 1 2021 Year 10 - PSYCHOLOGY

In Inglés

Creado por:
Aaron Smith

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What biology perspective is exclusively apart of the "Nature" Subheading


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Science Term 1 2021 Year 10 - PSYCHOLOGY - Marcador

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Science Term 1 2021 Year 10 - PSYCHOLOGY - Detalles



13 preguntas
What psychology perspectives fall under the "Nurture" subheading?
Sociocultural Psych, Behavioural psych, Psychoanalytic
What are the Big 7 views?
Behavioural, psychoanalytical, cognitive, biological, evolutionary, humanistic, sociocultural
Explain the Behavioural perspective
We are who we are, do what we do due to involuntary reactions to environmental stimuli, reinforcement of behaviours and observing and imitating others.
Explain Psychodynamic perspective
Unconscious desires and conflicts, we all share consciousness, theory that atoms retain information of past humans, thus ancestry influences you.
Explain Psychoanalysis perspective
Good/bad childhood experiences unconsciously affect your decisions.
Explain Cognitive Perspective
We are who we are or do what we do because we actively think about past and present and make prediction about our future as we interact with environment.
Explain Biological perspective
Biological processes that influence behaviour and mental processes - hormones, glands, genetics ect.
Explain Evolutionary perspective
Evolution of behaviours and mental processes, inherited tendencies influence people.
Explain Humanistic perspective
We "invent" ourselves, people make free and conscious decisions based on their unique experiences. Every human has a desire to achieve to his or her fullest potential.
Explain Sociocultural perspective
Ethnicity, gender, cultural expectations, socioeconomic status all affect how we behave and the actions we take.
What is the order of the Big 7
Behavioural, Psychoanalytical, Cognitive, Biological, Evolutionary, Humanistic, Sociocultural.