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organisation of the organism

In Inglés
organisation of the organism

Creado por:
Gia Mahtani 3rf9

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how are ciliated cells adapted to their function

Ciliated cells are adapted in the respiratory tract to form an epithelial lining of coordinated metachronal ciliary activity that provides the propelling force for the transport of mucus along the airways. This mechanism is central to the maintenance of patent airways and pulmonary homeostasis.

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15 preguntas
How are ciliated cells adapted to their function
Ciliated cells are adapted in the respiratory tract to form an epithelial lining of coordinated metachronal ciliary activity that provides the propelling force for the transport of mucus along the airways. This mechanism is central to the maintenance of patent airways and pulmonary homeostasis.
What is a eukaryote?
A eukaryote is any organism consisting of one or more cells that contain DNA in a membrane-bound
In a prokaryotic cell what is the cytoplasm?
Internal fluid component of the cell
In a prokaryotic cell what is the nucleoid?
Region of the cytoplasm where dna is located in circular strands. it is not membrane bound
In a prokaryotic cell what is the plasmid?
Autonomous circular dna molecules that may be transferred between bacteria
In a prokaryotic cell what is the ribosomes?
Complexes of rna and protein that are possible for polypeptide synthesis
In a prokaryotic cell what is the cell membrane?
Semi-permeable and selective barrier surrounding the cell
In a prokaryotic cell what is the cell wall?
Rigid outer covering made of peptidoglycan, maintains shape and prevents bursting
In a prokaryotic cell what is the flagella?
Long projections containing a motor. protein that enables movement
In a prokaryotic cell what is the pili?
Hair like extensions that enable adherence to surfaces.
How are ciliated cells adapted to their function
- extensions of the cytoplasm at the surface of the cell form hair - like structures called cilia which beat to move mucus and trapped particles up to the throat
How are nerve cells adapted to their function?
- has extensions and branches (dendrites) so that it can communicate with different nerve cells and muscles - the axon is covered with a fatty sheath which insulates the nerve cell and speeds up the nerve impluse
How are red blood cells adapted to their function?
- biconcave disc shape which increases surface area for more efficient diffusion of o2 - contains hemoglobin which joins with 02 to transport it - does not contain a nucleus so that increases the amount of space available for haemoglobin inside the cell
How is a sperm cell adapted to its function?
- the head contains the genetic material for fertilisation - the acrosome in the head contains digestive enzymes so that the sperm can penetrate the egg. - the mid-piece is packed with mitochondria to release energy needed to swim and fertilize the egg. - the tails enables the sperm to swim
How is the egg cell (ovum) adapted to its function?
- contains a lot of cytoplasm which has nutrients for growth of the early embryo - haploid nucleus contains genetic material for fertilization - cell membrane changes after fertilisation by a single sperm so that no more sperm can enter