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Needlepoint and Cross stitch

A short course covering the basics of cross stitch and needlepoint, as well as the materials used

In Inglés
Needlepoint and Cross stitch

Creado por:
Emma Begent-Cove

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What is it that makes needlepoint different from cross stitch?

The designs have a solid stitched background

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50 preguntas
What is it that makes needlepoint different from cross stitch?
The designs have a solid stitched background
What is the definition of needlepoint?
The working of wool or thread on canvas
What is the ideal way to get your thread through the eye of the needle?
Fold the thread over and push the loop through the eye
How is needlepoint canvas labelled, called the count?
According to the amount of holes every 2.5cm
What is a good way of stitching blocks of colour?
Do the outline first, then fill it in
What should you do when creating a row of cross stitches?
Go diagonally one way first, then back over the top in the opposite diagonal direction
What is cross stitch?
Working crossed stitches on a grid-like canvas