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Medical Terminology

In Inglés

Creado por:
Etla Van Horne

4.8 / 5  (5 calificaciones)

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Greek and _____ are the languages from which most medical terms are originally derived.


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Medical Terminology - Detalles



236 preguntas
Cephalometry is:
Measurement of the head
Aphonia is:
Absence or loss of voice
Macrocephaly means:
Enlarged head
Tachycardia means:
Increased pulse rate
Calcipenia means:
Deficiency of calcium in the body
Nervous system
Organs (brain, spinal cord, and nerves) that transmit electrical messages throughout the body
Urinary tract (sometimes urine)
Suffix -centesis
Surgical puncture to aspirate or remove fluid
Suffix -ectomy
Excision (surgical removal or cutting out)
Process of loosening, freeing or destroying
Suffix -pexy
Surgical fixation (fastening in a fixed position)
Suffix -plasty
Surgical repair
Suffix -rrhaphy
Suture (uniting a wound by stitches)
Suffix -scopy
Visual examination with a lighted instrument
Suffix -stomy
Formation of an opening
Suffix -tome
An instrument used for cutting
Suffix -tomy
Suffix -tripsy
Surgical crushing
Pertaining to the neck of the body or to the neck of the uterus
Pertaining to the coccyx (tailbone)
Frontal plane
Vertical plane dividing the body or structure into anterior and posterior portions
Pertaining to the side
Back surface of the body
Sagittal plane
Lengthwise, vertical plane dividing the body or structure into the right and left sides
Frontal plane
Vertical plane dividing the body or structure into anterior and posterior portions
Transverse plane
Horizontal plane dividing the body into upper (superior) and lower (inferior) portions
Left lower quadrant
Left upper quadrant
Right lower quadrant