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meaning of some idioms in English

In Inglés

Creado por:
Marcela Restrepo

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Raining cats and dogs means...

very loud, noisy and heavy rain storm, ex: I was running from the park while it was raining cats and dogs

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15 preguntas
Raining cats and dogs means...
Very loud, noisy and heavy rain storm, ex: I was running from the park while it was raining cats and dogs
Go the extra mile means...
Going all the way to get it done; ex: mike always goes the extra mile when his anniversary is coming so that he can surprise his girlfriend.
It´s a small world means...
You frequently see the same people in different places, ex: I went to the mall and saw Jim from work, it´s a small world
Apple of my eye means...
Someone who is the favourate among all; ex: Do you remember our dog max? he was the apple of my eyes
Back to square one means...
Having to start all over again; ex: I was working on an essay for school, but my computer rebooted, so i´m back to square one
Mum´s the word means...
To say nothing, to keep quiet; The kids were playing loud while I was in a meeting, so I came out and said "mum´s the word"
Under the weather means...
Really unwell or sick; ex: I didn´t go out because I was feeling under the weather
Catch red-handed means...
To catch someone in the act of doing something wrong; ex: While nick was cheating in his exam he was caught red-handed
Cost an arm and a leg means...
Expensive, costs too much mone; ex: I wanted to buy a new makeup palette, but it costs an arm and a leg
Fingers crossed means...
Hope or wish for good luck; ex: when I went to the job interview I had my fingers crossed
A blessing in disguise means...
Something good that is not recognized at first; ex: I lost muy bus for school today, it was a blessing in disguise because I did not realize I did not have school
A leopard can´t change his spots means...
You cannot change who you are, ex: Nick was caught cheating on the test again, a leopard can´t change his spots
A taste of your own medicine means...
You are mistreated the same way you mistreat others; ex: Bob was bullying another kid, his mom saw and punished him, he got a taste of his own medicine
All in the same boat means...
Everyone is facing the same challenges; ex: we all presented the same test, we are all in the same boat
Beating around the bush means...
Avoiding the main topic and not speaking directly about it; ex: my brother crashed the car but when he got home he was beating around the bush, since he knew my parents would be mad