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human health and diseases

In Inglés

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sakhi rathore

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human health and diseases - Detalles



105 preguntas
The main symptom of diptheria is
Respiratory suffocation
Sarcoma is cancer of
Mesodermal tissue
What does epinephrine do?
Strong emotions cause it to increase heart rate and increase muscle strength.
Why does the liver gets damaged in alcoholics
Because it accumulates excess of fat
Cell mediated immunity is provided by:
Thymus gland and bone marrow
Clonal selection is :
Proliferation of T ans B-cell
Opium derivatives is/are
Morphine, codeine and heroin
Which is related to tobacco addiction
Gastric and duodenal ulcers , bronchitis and emphysema
C-onc are
Cellular oncogenes and proto oncogenes
Cyclosporine is used as
Symptoms of valium
Depressed brain activity , feeling of calmness,relaxation and drowsiness
What is benzodiazepam used for
It's not a painkiller rather it is a sedative
Barbiturate is a
Rabies is an infection of mammals it involves CNS ehich may result in paralysis and death
It is caused by rabies virus. it's vector are raboid animals especially dogs.
LSD and marijuana are clinically used as a analgesics
They are anti inflammatory, sedative, anticonvulsive and laxative in action
A person who has recieved a cut and is bleeding needs to be given anti tetanus treatment why?
It is a disinfectant it prevents the entry of the bacteria through wounds
What is a dope test
It is used to know whether a person used any drug to improve their performance
What are interferon and what do they do?
They are natural protien produced by the cells of the immune system in response to challenges by foreign agents such as virus. they inhibit viral replication.
What is cannabis satvia
It is not an antideressant and hashish and marijuana are derived from it
Antibodies are heterogenous
Because the cells keep on producing a variety of antibodies
Which is an analgesic drug
Codeine and morphine
The pain killer aspirin is also related with
Antipyretic, hypotensive drug and anticoagulant
Antigen is
Antibody production stimulating agent
Which is correct sequence of events of inflammation or phaogocytosis
An antibody is a
Molecule that specifically reacts with an antigen
Thalassemia is due to
Decreased synthesis of beta-polypeptide chain of haemoglobin
Lock jaw is associated with
Opisthotonus, risus sardonicus and clostridium
Schick test is associated with
Comebacterium diptheriae
Mumps affect which part of the body
Parotid gland and testis