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Forest Biology of Tropical Plants Laboratory

In Inglés

Creado por:
Christine Deluna

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One of the world's largest biomes occupying majority of South America, Africa and South East Asian regions.

Tropical Rainforest

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Forest Biology of Tropical Plants Laboratory - Marcador

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Forest Biology of Tropical Plants Laboratory - Detalles



120 preguntas
What are the factor influencing the formations of various plant form?
Competition for water, space, light and nutrient
GIve the 3 common bark surface adaptation
-Presence of Thorns, Smooth Bark, Thick Cork tissue
Protective sheath
Vascular Bundle Sheath
3 Types of Primary Tissue
Dermal, Vascular and Fundamental Tissue
Most significant functions performed by the roots
Anchorage, storage, absorption and transport of materials to and from the shoot system.
Metamorphosed roots also perform unique functions
Plant's survival including food storage, propagation, aeration, movement, structural support, nutrition and support.
Roots can be distinguished from the stem by the following features:
(1) absence of nodes (2) uncutinized (3) presence of protective covering in the tip (4) arrangement of primary tissues during early ontogeny.
Roots maybe classified into two system
Tap root system and diffuse/ fibrous root system.