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English Dictionary

In Inglés

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aback (1)

1. Toward the back

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83 preguntas
Aback (1)
1. Toward the back
Aback (2)
2. So that the wind presses against the forward side of the sail.
Aback (3)
3. (of a sail) positioned so that the wind presses against the forward side.
Aback (4)
4. (of a yard) positioned so that its sail is laid back.
Aback (5) Idiom: taken aback
5. Surprised and disconcerted
If you are 'taken aback' by something, you are surprised or shocked by it, and you cannot respond at once.
Aback synonym (3)
Thrown off guard
Abbreviation (1)
1. a shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase used to represent the whole.
Abbreviation (2)
2. an act of abbreviating; state or result of being abbreviated; reduction in length, duration, etc.; abridgment
Abbreviation (3)
3. a short phrase or the reduced form used to represent a larger, more complex idea, situation, set of beliefs, etc.
1. colt
1. a young male animal of the horse family
2. colt
2. a male horse of not more than four years of age.
3. colt
3. a young or inexperienced person.
Colt - Trademark
1. a brand of revolver.
3. colt - synonym
3. fledgling
6. colt - synonym
6. youngling
1. trot
1. (of a horse) to go at a gait between a walk and a run, in which the legs move in diagonal pairs, but not quite simultaneously, so that when the movement is slow one foot at least is always on the ground, and when fast all four feet are momentarily off the ground at once.
2. trot
2. to go at a quick, steady pace; move briskly; bustle; hurry.
3. trot
3. to cause to trot.
4. trot
4. to ride (a horse) at a trot.
5. trot
5. to lead at a trot.
6. trot
6. to travel over by trotting.
7. trot
7. to execute by trotting.
8. trot
8. the gait of a horse, dog, or other quadruped, when trotting.
9. trot
9. the sound made by an animal when trotting.
10. trot
10. the jogging gait of a human being, between a walk and a run.
11. trot. Harness Racing
11. a race for trotters.
12. trot
12. brisk, continuous movement or activity.
14. trot. Slang
14. a literal translation used illicitly in doing schoolwork; crib; pony.
16. trot. Informal
16. a toddling child.
17. trout out, Informal
17. a. to bring forward for inspection.
17. trout out, Informal
17. b. to bring to the attention of; introduce; submit.
1. trot
1. If you 'trot' somewhere, you move fairly fast at a speed between walking and running, taking small quick steps.
2. trot
2. when an animal such as a horse 'trots', it moves fairly fast, taking quick small steps. You can also say that the rider of the animal 'is trotting'.
1. trot
1. amble
2. trot
2. hurry
3. trot
3. jog
4. trot
4. lope
5. trot
5. scamper
6. trot
6. canter
7. trot
7. pad
8. trot
8. rack
9. trot
9. ride
10. trot
10. run
11. trot
11. step lively
1. dozen
1. a group of 12.
2. the dozen, slang
2. a ritualized game typically engaged in by two persons each of whom attempts to outdo the other in insults directed against members of the other's family (usually used in the phrase 'play the dozens')
3. dozen
3. twelve
1. dozen
1. If you have a 'dozen' things, you have twelve of them.
2. dozen
2. You can refer to a group of approximately twelve things or people as a 'dozen'. You can refer to a group of approximately six things or people as 'half a dozen'
1. dozen. quantifier
1. If you refer to 'dozens of' things or people, you are emphasizing that there are very many of them.
1. dozen. pronoun
1. You can also use 'dozens' as a pronoun.
1. dozen
1. xii
2. dozen
2. dodecahedral