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In Inglés

Creado por:
sakhi rathore

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10 per cent law of energy transfer was given by


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ecosystem - Marcador

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ecosystem - Detalles



36 preguntas
The role of bacteria in the carbon cycle is
Decomposition of organic compounds
Explain the pyramid of biomass in a lake
This pyramid is inverted because there is gradual increase in biomass of organisms at successive trophic levels from the producers to the consumers.
Most of the desert plant bloom at night because
The desert insects are active during night time
Pyramid of energy is always upright because
Energy flow in the ecosystem is unidirectional and according to lindemann, only 10 per cent of the energy goes to the next level
Biotic community has higher position than population in ecological heirarchy
Biotic community is an assemblage of all the populations of different organisms occuring in an area. the different populations of a community do not remain isolated. they show interactions and interdependance
During ecological succession
The gradual and predictable change in species composition occurs in a given area
Correct sequence of plants in a hydrosere is
Pyramid of numbers deals with the number of
Individuals in a trophic level
Barophilic prokaryotes
Grow and multiply in very deep marine sediments