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chapter 2, surgical patient

In Inglés

Creado por:
abbey watson

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(classification of surgical procedures) elective

- performed on basis of pts. choice

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chapter 2, surgical patient - Detalles



33 preguntas
Surgery is classified as: (3)
Elective, urgent, or emergent
(classification of surgical procedures) elective
- performed on basis of pts. choice
Elective surgery is
Not necessary to preserve life and may be performed at a time the patient chooses
Urgent surgery is
Required to keep additional health problems from occurring
(classification of surgical procedures) emergency/emergent
- must be done immediately to save life or body part
Emergent surgery is
Performed immediately to save the individuals life or to preserve the function of a body part or system
(surgical terminology) anastomoses
- joining of two ducts/blood vessels to allow flow from one to another - to bypass an area
Surgery is performed for reasons including (9)
Diagnostic, ablative, palliative, reconstructive, curative, preventive, transplant, constructive, cosmetic
(surgical terminology) -ectomy
- surgical removal of
(surgical terminology) Lysis
- destruction or dissolution
(surgical terminology) -oscopy
- direct visualization with a scope
(surgical terminology) -ostomy
- opening made to allow the passage of drainage
(common surgical settings) 1. inpatient: 2. one-day (same day surgery): 3. outpatient: 4. short-stay surgical center: 5. short stay unit: 6. mobile surgery unit
1. - pt hospitalized for surgery 2. - pt admitted the day surgery is scheduled then discharged the same day 3. - pt (not hospitalized) admitted either to short stay or unit or directly to surgical site 4. independently owned agency, surgery performed with overnight hospitalization not required 5. department where pt stay does not exceed 24 hours 6. a unit that moves place to place; moves to pt instead of pt going to unit
- concurrent use of multiple medications
(herb) St. John’s Wart (preoperative considerations) ?
Shouldn’t be used with psychoactive drugs, discontinue before surgery because possible drug interactions
Lab tests received before surgery include
UA, CBC, and blood chemistry profile
Types of regional anesthesia
Epidural, nerve block, spinal